Outdoor X4

Yeah I like humbolt.... ha ha kewl lookin bottles...... they sound really good but I can never find n e featured reviews in any mag I have....
urban garden
maxium yeild and we all know rosebud is advanceds mag......... I'm still lookin though if I can find it will go with advanced just cause I can....... and I hav a few samples from orders I have made reciently.............. I had the pleasure of watchin growalater grow kandy kush and pineapple express by way of water farm and he ran advenced and got a hlag pound off one kk....... I'm also lookin to find a kg per m2 strain if any one knows n e good ones get at me............. I'm goin for weight next grow........... and I really want a kg of nug......2.2 lbs sounds gnarly as hell...... I found the kg per m2 strains on herbies head shop but I can't for the life of me remember whut the brand was I have gone throufh almost the entire seed catalog nd nothing........... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I like humbolt.... ha ha kewl lookin bottles...... they sound really good but I can never find n e featured reviews in any mag I have....
urban garden
maxium yeild and we all know rosebud is advanceds mag......... I'm still lookin though if I can find it will go with advanced just cause I can....... and I hav a few samples from orders I have made reciently.............. I had the pleasure of watchin growalater grow kandy kush and pineapple express by way of water farm and he ran advenced and got a hlag pound off one kk....... I'm also lookin to find a kg per m2 strain if any one knows n e good ones get at me............. I'm goin for weight next grow........... and I really want a kg of nug......2.2 lbs sounds gnarly as hell...... I found the kg per m2 strains on herbies head shop but I can't for the life of me remember whut the brand was I have gone throufh almost the entire seed catalog nd nothing........... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've pulled close to that in a lil over a M^2. Got 2 lbs with a space of 4'x5' with 1600 watts over it. Strains were G13 Pineapple Express and World of Seeds Afgan Kush Special. The Afgan was a heavy yielder for sure, 22-23 zips while the pe only yielded 12-13 zips with nearly the same area. To get a yield like that your gonna need over 1kw of light, unless your doing vertical with a multi-light setup.
Nah water farm and scrog like a ma fuka............ I have one g13 pe bean left man...... yeah I have 2 600s and my old 400 hps so there is the 1600w.... all eye bulbs...... lots of ventilation...... every thing is ready to go I just need to prep
idk if n e one comes through these parts n e more but i have a few questions and those of u who see this that kno me prolly will answer.......... i have been off and on with nothing goin on ....... im tryin to rebuild to what i hafd and even better so..... if n e of u still have this link ill be bak soon and message away if u choose....... im around..........