Outdoorers a friendly comp?

diet coke

Active Member
I would like to see some results. Ill post mine as available, But rarely check on them. I am on 36' lattitude and mine are around 3' tall and have been out side for a month.

Up to mother nature now.


Well-Known Member
I've been known to grow big plants. I may have post a pic or 2 at the end.
Here's a little video of my work.:cool:
Good luck



Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great idea , I'm not sure if I can join though because I'm in aus and our season doesn't start till September , il be growing Neville's haze , super silver haze , super skunk and a few crosses


New Member
So far my lineup is Blueberry, Connie Chung, A few Blue Dreams, An auto Green Poison and Trainwreck. Im doing some for my outdoor grow and doing some as a set and forget deal and come back to them at the end of the season and see how they do. However 1 of them will be a location away from my outdoor grow cause im wanting to grow a 10' this year


Well-Known Member
My goal is always quality first, so I don't see how that can be measured on a message board. All I can do is wait til after harvest and post and say it was the best! :)


New Member
My goal is always quality first, so I don't see how that can be measured on a message board. All I can do is wait til after harvest and post and say it was the best! :)
Of course man! Thats why im going all organic for my outdoor grow this year also tis why i offered different catagories.

Lets start this off now thats its getting some intereest. Please reply with with info you want to change or add in! FEEDBACK PPL

1. Height
2. Width
3. Biggest Nug
4. Most yield
5. Overall best looking plant (judge by the RIU Community)