Outdoors In Florida

Got some bagseed from kush. and i have quite a few schwag seeds. just curious when i should start germinating and vegging. and when should i put outside? I'm going to be starting them inside with CFLs. i figure a good 6-8 weeks vegging and then i could put them outside. i'm in southern alabama really, so i'm curious if anyone has experience in this area. I'm just looking to grow personal and i'd like if it would last me a while. any ideas on what i should expect?
that's what i keep hearing. how long do i let them veg inside before putting them outside? or what's a good reference as to when they're ready to be put outside?


Well-Known Member
Outside in Mid April, I only veg for a couple weeks. Or sometimes, I'll plany small seedlings outside in late march/Early April. (I'm in North FL) I live close to the bama line. Be careful of that Alabama fuzz... Ruthless bible thumpers... And I think bama cops have the highest quotas for arresting ppl an any place alive! They love to put ppl in jail!


Well-Known Member
definetely wait till april or at leaste a couple weeks into spring,that area gets good and cold.Should be some decent woodland around there.


I live in Central Florida, I have plants going right now, about close to 30 of them lol outside. Although keep in mind they wont be anything close to caliber of what I can get when I grow in season. Season down here starts in march after the last frost, check when your last frost was and that would be a good time to start. GL


Well-Known Member
Last frost around here is late march/early April. Sometimes sooner, but always good to be sure!


Well-Known Member
If it is kush plant them in late May. Bigger sativas mid June or they will be big as trees. I live in the south but not as deep as you do. this is what works for me deep south Alabama

the russian man

Active Member
i start outdoors in february, or early march and this year I'm think of starting this week due to the weather being 73-80 and my i live in SW in florida so its nice here happy growing!
Hey fellas I live in South Louisiana, (south of New Orleans, swamp people) and I just put out 3 female purple diesel plants this week, Feb. 1, 2012. I started them indoors under T-5 fluorescent in late October 2011. I went 12/12 after they were about 6 inches high so I could sex them. I got 3 beautiful purple diesel babes and one is going to be a mother for cloning. It is unseasonably warm out here this year and I figured why not having a nice tree sized plant at harvest time, purple diesel if ya don't mind BOY!!!!!! I will post a couple pics for ya next time I get out to check on them girls. Grow on my southern hemp GODS!!!!!!!! Sativa Jim


Active Member
Watch out for bugs.
Whenever I start them early they tend to get eaten to death by the caterpillars. That's why I started starting them in May/June.
It all depends if you can take care of it and whatnot. Lots of mitigating circumstances.

the russian man

Active Member
caterpillars aren't a problem to me... now those damn little green grasshoppers are another story... if only i could get my 12 gauge and shoot them all.. but thats not a choice so for now i come to my plant pretty intoxicated and they play hide and seek with me...