Outdoors in SE Virginia

Great, thanks. My biggest plant has hit 7 feet from the stretch and I wasn't expecting that as I put them out in the second week of July toward the end of the week. I had a lean-to setup that worked for everything up to 6 feet and even a little more but was kind of a pain to setup and take down multiple times a day with all these storm threats we've been having. The last couple rains I have just let them ride the storms out after I tied them down better and added some more supports and they seem to be fine but as the buds get denser I want to get some kind of a hoop house or cover setup to get them in. We get some crazy winds where I live. I am up on the side of the mountain so the lateral thing is just because of the crosswinds we get. I might even be able to come up with enough scrap lumber to make a lumber frame, just need some 4x4 posts. I've got a ton of 2x4's. I still have a few weeks as the buds are just getting formed up now. I'll get some pics up tomorrow.
Hope ya figured out the shelter framing...I can still squeeze mine under the patio table, but don’t do that too often since they are so short and sturdy.

Another day of full sun and I'm home so they’ll get shifted around every couple of hours Focusing on exposing the sides to direct sun now; did some leaf tucking and minor defoliation of damaged leaves this morning and gave them a good shot of Fish Shit. Light foliar feeding about 2 hrs before the sun hit them as well. They are holding their form and filling in...

I’ve got them stacked on top of some milk crates to get air flow underneath. With the heat and intensity of the sun, the stone work gets pretty hot, dont wanna bake the roots near the bottom and edges of the pots.


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After a full day in the sun with a couple days more predicted...this is where they end the day in their travels around my patio...they catch the setting sun up until around 2000.


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Couple more closeup shots


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They are really putting on some girth. How much further you think you have to go? Are you checking trich's yet? I am still in limbo on my greenhouse. I need to do a lumber frame to cope with the wind. Blue Dream seems to have settled at a couple inches over seven feet which is just fine by me. I stripped a bunch of the lower growth off that just didn't have enough time to get going because of the late start date. I just didn't feel like dealing with a ton of popcorn. I'd rather have less yield and an easier trim job.
I think 3 or 4 more weeks. They started throwing off brilliant white pistils, and my daily defoliation of damaged leaves has the interior of the plants in the sun. There are some bud sites growing right at the first bend in the main stalk, and they are getting larger every day. I have them some Fish Shit yesterday and they really liked that...gave them some Mammoth P this morning and a a good foliar feeding 2 hrs before the sun hit them.

I’ll take some shots tomorrow when the sun first hits them in the golden hour-the colas are incredibly brilliant in that flat light.
Another full day of sun ahead...I’ll snap some pics in the evening golden hour too...nuthin but buds...


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Man bud I'm hating that for you. Thankfully you have a good camera and took some really clear shots so they showed up. Don't forget to check your companion plantings too and treat all the vegetation around them. I find it's easy to focus on just my girls and I forget I'm surrounded by woods and trees hanging over me dropping stuff onto them. Hopefully you knock them out quickly.
We got slammed last night by a really bad storm. I watched the big plant take a beating since it can't fit under the rain shelter anymore. We're supposed to get 2 inches of rain from hurricane Ida starting Wednesday morning. Nothing like Louisiana, but bad enough by our standards I suspect. My road is already washed most of the way down the mountain from the last batch of storms. Two more inches ought to just about finish it off. I'm sure you're just greatful for once the hurricane isn't hitting Florida and coming up the coast. I bet those give you quite a beating.
Yep, ’twas not a pleasant sight...I have them all a good inspection and didn’t find too many more so hopefully...

I doused all the companion plants with Spinosad last night, and gave the pot plants just a light misting. Also swept clear the area in which they stand, and then hit that with a heavy dose of ortho insect killer. One of the reasons I have them all standing on other milk crates is to get them further away from the stonework in the patio for heat dissipation, and away from the insect killer I spray on the patio. Went to Lowe’s and bought a bunch of no pest strips the deploy around the garden, but none too close to the weed.

went to the local hydro store and bought some Green Cleaner I’ll hit them with lightly tomorrow at sundown, then a good misting/drenching in the AM before sun up to wash residue and dead bugs off. Supposedly, you can use this stuff all the way up to harvest, but I won’t push it that far...will give the plants at least a week to shed any residue and give them a deep flush right before harvest. I’ll probably do the H2O2 three bucket rinse before I hang them to dry. Harvest is in 3 weeks probably.

still supposed to be above 90 here for A couple days so that’ll knock the aphids down too, and I keep them in the direct sun all day long to fry the little sons of bitches right where they stand.

I could probably harvest in the next week and get some decent weed - the tricromes are turning from clear to cloudy, with some amber mixed in. I’ll wait just a bit longer to get a more balanced distribution of tricromes...

im also thinking of a deep CO2 drenching. Take the manicured buds, and put them in a basket suspended just above the tub. Go to the local beverage supply store and get around 10 lbs of dry ice, fill the tub with warm water throw in the dry ice and douse the volume with CO2. I saw a video of a guy who hung a bI let filled with hot water just above his grow, aNd threw in some dry ice - man it was kinetic...
I spent my day on bug patrol after seeing your visitors and found some spots of leaf miner damage but nothing I wasn't used to seeing from being out in the woods and not spraying anything on them so far. I keep box fans moving air on the deck and circulating fans blowing fairly hard on the girls and some of the flies seem to find it annoying. I need to get some of that Spinosad though, maybe when I head to the garden center this week praying for stakes to make it through Ida. Otherwise I'm gonna have some new roommates if they'll fit in the door and I can convince the wife to help lift. What is the purpose of the CO2 I've seen dry ice used for bubble hash extraction and even tried it poorly once but the way your talking about doesn't make sense to me. I must be missing something of the science.
I’ve read that a CO2 bath/deluge will kill bugs and mold spores. Plus it looks cool when the fog rises and settles on the floor.

if I lived closer I’d come over and help ya get them inside. I think Ida is gonna skirt my area thankfully...
I think it's more convincing the wife we need a new set of house plants that will be the hard part. I'm going to check for fencing the next couple days and wrap them up in six foot fencing hopefully. If I can get that done and secure the lean to I'll see about leaving them out. At least growing outdoors is never boring thanks to the weather. Die aphid scum!
I do a two bucket wash with peroxide in one bucket and clean water in the other. It's the Doc Buds method modified. If you look up Doc Buds bud wash it comes up with his instructions and it worked really well. I might add a third bucket if I end up doing a lot of foliar spraying but so far I've only done one and it was in veg. It cleans up a lot of the dog fur, dust or whatever my dust filter missed and the crap I just brushed onto the plant because I'm clumsy. You just have to pay attention to moisture and get the water off as quickly as possible coming out of the bucket. Dry ice is way cooler though, just add creepy music. Just don't get too high and play with it, that crap burns skin I hear. It's on the wife's watch list. She sees me with it and she just sits back and waits for me to do something stupid to myself. Fun with science.
I’ve done the dry ice keif routine before and it worked really well. Take frozen trim and put it in the middle size bubble bag. Drop a chunk of dry ice in, wrap it closed and shake it over a clean glass surface. The fog hits the table, rolls off the edge and when gone the table is covered in keif. I then take the shaken bag and run it thru the whole bubble bag routine.

thanks for the tip on washing, I’ll be doing some in The next few days.
Here are some shots at high noon. Sun directly overhead, not a cloud in the sky, slight breeze, low 90s. Gave them 500 ml of ph 6.0 water and 500 ml of ph 6.0 Fish Shit after letting them sit for 30 minutes.

been looking for aphids etc and all appears clear, they’ll get a light treatment of Green Cleaner tonite. I might bring them inside tonite into an alcove and put a fan on them. It’s been stupid ugly humid here and doesn’t get any better at night.
the short one is probably ready for harvest in a couple weeks (most tricromes cloudy, no amber yet). The bigger ones have a way to go, and I’m gonna take them to their limit. I might even resurrect my indoor grow space and finish one or two in there...but for now, sunlight is abundant, and free.


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The humidity was my thinking for the fan originally. Trying to move fresh air around. I noticed that the more air I moved I could drop the humidity on the deck by 10 sometimes 15 percent. Then I saw that the fungus gnats and flying bugs didn't like to stay on the plants that were getting heavy breeze's. It's redneck engineering/theory but so far the only bugs that don't seem to mind are the damn spiders, the bane of my existence. Killed like 5 today that had wrapped up the colas on top of my big plant. I finally got on a ladder and got a look at the top of it and wow it look nice from up top. Kind of pale but I'm thinking it's a little bleaching from being wet when the sun hit it. Starting Dr. Earth dry fertilizer on Blue Dream today and Bag of Oranges the next watering. Blue Dream started flower about a week ahead of Bag of Oranges so it's about 4 weeks of flower.Its Blue Dream Xtreme from the old Single Seed center that sold seeds from Amsterdam back a couple years ago. I kept it in the freezer for a rainy day and I wish I had some more of these. The stretch is crazy, the smell is pure blueberry,pheno dependant of course, and under scrog the yield is amazing. If I knew anybody that had some pollen close by I'd hit one of her branches for sure just to have some seeds for next year. Now I think of all the males I've pulled and thrown on the compost pile.
Last few photos


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