


Hello my fellow MJ Peeps. I have been getting some pest problems outdoors. Seems every year there is a new kind of bug poping up. Here are some pics can y’all print me in the right direction.



Well-Known Member
I had something similar a few years ago. I turned the leaf over and on the under side there were several very small bugs, about the side of a period at the end of a sentence. They were the culprits.
Look on the underside of a leaf and see if there are tiny bugs there. If so, get back to me and I'll tell you what I used (the bottle is out in my lab and I'm setting back ready for bed) and I'll get the info for you. For the present perhaps spray some soapy water on the leaves. Something like a table spoon of soap to a gallon of water. Some bugs don't like the taste of soap.


Thanks Bud, I didnt see any bugs but i sprayed some Lost Coast Plant Therapy on it last night. I would really like to make my own Spray if possible. Do you make your own spray ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bud, I didnt see any bugs but i sprayed some Lost Coast Plant Therapy on it last night. I would really like to make my own Spray if possible. Do you make your own spray ?
No, I'm not smart enough, I go to lawn care place and buy the miracle in a jar.


Well-Known Member
Looks ok to me however if you want to be save grab some Garden safe 3 in one. It is a premixed neem oil spray. Takes care of bugs, mildew, and mold. Can be found at most big box stores.