Outside Flowering?


Well-Known Member
i had some bag seed laying around, i heard the optimal time for planting seeds was beginning of june so i decided to drop em in the ground( better then having em sit in my desk drawer). i planted em on june 15 and will visit every 2 weeks. i was just wondering when the flowering stage begins for outdoor grows on the east coast so i can pull the males. thx .


Well-Known Member
If you're planning on harvesting non-schwag weed, you're going ot want to be there at least once every 5 days to make sure you can pull the males before they start banging your bitches.

Alot of the time, males will show sex before the females. Also, a plant can show sex before the females start to really flower, but i would say flowering starts about the beginnning of august.

However males can be popping up long before then (like from mid june). Remember, males will do anything to get laid so they have a tricky way of going about showing their balls :)



Active Member
I would like to ask a question regarding flowering outside. Here in southeast when August rolls around, mid august, They'll start to flower right? If its a rainy time will that effect the buds, Does rain effect the buds during flowering. I'm curious.