Outside, not sure if it is marijuana or not


Active Member
ok so i found an odd plant outside in one of my planters with a dead viney plant. i dont remember ever seeing it there and i think i might have been blazed one night and out a seed there (uh oh!). leaves smell ( i guess, havent came off my latest trip off some possibly exotic green) kinda like green and the leaves are kinda white/fuzzy ( barely ) slight traces of purple as well on some parts and in the top of the things with leaves going up nd covering it and in the middle it is purple. my hands are also kinda sticky from fucl(in with the leaves



Well-Known Member
Holy drunk vision batman! :spew::spew:

I highly doubt it would be a marijuana plant. If your fingers are sticking after touching the plant, that means it would have gone through flowering, and you would have noticed the plant then.


Active Member
Holy drunk vision batman! :spew::spew:

I highly doubt it would be a marijuana plant. If your fingers are sticking after touching the plant, that means it would have gone through flowering, and you would have noticed the plant then.
idk what you men by flowering. have no xperience growing


Well-Known Member
i highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly doubt thats mary jane dude


Active Member
How is anyone supposed to know from those poor quality pics? Judging from the last pic I'd say it isn't Cannabis.
Flowering is when a plant flowers, produces flowers.

Flower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"A flower is a reproductive structure found in many plants."
"A flower, also known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division OpenDNS, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male sperm with female ovum in order to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination, is followed by fertilization, leading to the formation and dispersal of the seeds. For the higher plants, seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means by which individuals of a species are dispersed across the landscape. The grouping of flowers on a plant are called the inflorescence.
In addition to serving as the reproductive organs of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans, mainly to beautify their environment but also as a source of food."


Well-Known Member
Even with the fuzzy beer goggles appearance I can tell theres no way in hell thats weed. No way Jose....


Active Member
How about this:

It's a small bushy plant, about 5" tall, single main stem with these leaves branching off. Covered in thin hairs, about a sixteenth of an inch long. It was on an open hillside among briar plants and the like. I did research on lookalikes and it doesn't really match anything else...no sticky residue and only a grassy smell when bruised. I took the pic 30 mins after the leaf was picked, it shriveled up pretty bad which is why it appears all folded...

Thanks! (and sorry for the n00b post...):peace:



New Member
doubt that its a weed sprout.
but it dosent mean that you cant plant one......you know thats how people get free weed right?


New Member
oh, dont worry...I'm not gonna rip some dudes crop. It is on my property but I'm cool with it being there.
he he you outta leave em a note and fuck with him. that would be hilarious.

just something like" hope you dont mind, i pissed on your plant. its a bitch when you grow on other peoples land"