over 50% thc strain, bullshit or not?


Active Member
someone said there is some new strain that is over 50% in thc. i called bullshit but they said it was a new strain but not sure of the name. am i right or is there really one out there?


King Tut
I HEARD that it is physically impossible because a good percentage(50%+) of a plants overall weight is water. You have to have some plant material to produce the THC. Heard it on another forum, but it makes sense.


Well-Known Member
how the hell would that even work it would be as if there were no calyxs just HUGE trichromes lol im sorry anything that high would leave no area for plant material honestly the highest recorded on charts if seen were like 18 - 19


Well-Known Member
I HEARD that it is physically impossible because a good percentage(50%+) of a plants overall weight is water. You have to have some plant material to produce the THC. Heard it on another forum, but it makes sense.
I agree with this theory but Brick Top who is a knowledgable dude and seems to know what he is saying before he says it says THC percentage is based on a percentage of the trichomes extracted which could also make sense in which case 50% would possibly be attainable but I dont buy it.


Well-Known Member

Bud baked at 106 C for an hour dries to around 20%- 22% of cut weight (depending on strain)

28 grams of bone dry bud is often 2 -4 grams resin and the residuum plant matter (depending on strain, growing style, etc). Fan leaf around 1 gram resin per 28 grams total.

.... From 28 grams of trim in a 1/2" x 30" extraction tube.



Well-Known Member

Hey Big V! I've been hiding out in the Newbie forum writing pictorials to questions, getting the newbies to do most of the work writing the ebook linked below. I've got over 10,000 pages of research and pictorials to compile, I've gone through about 1,000 pages and have 700 uploaded to Weed Science. Been busy, not enough hours in the day.

How's things been here?



Well-Known Member
Wow man that is really great man!! I am now a happy T5 grower and I have been bringing up alot of points to ponder in lighting threads and pimping my first T5 grow like a mad man.


Well-Known Member
I seen a thread about a seed bank selling these high thc strains.and they were all like a 1000 dollars for 10 seeds.cant remember the seed bank name but the general concences was pure bullshit...


Well-Known Member
how the hell would that even work it would be as if there were no calyxs just HUGE trichromes lol im sorry anything that high would leave no area for plant material honestly the highest recorded on charts if seen were like 18 - 19
Nope. I've seen some that went as high as 21%.. but no higher than that.

But yeah there's no possible way for a cannabis plant to have that much THC. Especially 50%.. rediculus. If there was any possible way for that to even be feasible.. you would have seen people around here ranting and raving about it.. and before you know it everyone around here would be talking about it. But yeah.. its not even feasible. LMAO.. 50%.. I wish. That would be some awsome medicinal smoke for sure.. lol.



Well-Known Member

Bud baked at 106 C for an hour dries to around 20%- 22% of cut weight (depending on strain)

28 grams of bone dry bud is often 2 -4 grams resin and the residuum plant matter (depending on strain, growing style, etc). Fan leaf around 1 gram resin per 28 grams total.

.... From 28 grams of trim in a 1/2" x 30" extraction tube.

i would appreciate if you can pm me and teach me how to do that. thanks


Well-Known Member

"i would appreciate if you can pm me and teach me how to do that. thanks"

Little Flavio there's a pictorial in the Extraction chapter of Weed Science, linked at the bottom of this post. There are several great ways to extract resin, many are dangerous if the safety precautions aren't followed. I'll be adding a pictorial for making a CO2 extractor in a couple of weeks, no chance of fire or explosion.

The Sublingual Tinture link below has extraction information and links as well. If there's an extraction method not covered that you want info on please post in the Grow Lab thread and I'll dig up the best pictorials and videos from around the net.




Well-Known Member

"i would appreciate if you can pm me and teach me how to do that. thanks"

Little Flavio there's a pictorial in the Extraction chapter of Weed Science, linked at the bottom of this post. There are several great ways to extract resin, many are dangerous if the safety precautions aren't followed. I'll be adding a pictorial for making a CO2 extractor in a couple of weeks, no chance of fire or explosion.

The Sublingual Tinture link below has extraction information and links as well. If there's an extraction method not covered that you want info on please post in the Grow Lab thread and I'll dig up the best pictorials and videos from around the net.


Is BHO-butane hash oil a dangerous extraction method? ive been told if the pressure builds up it can explode but vids ive seen it seems easy as long as ur not by an open flame? what u think?


Well-Known Member

"Is BHO-butane hash oil a dangerous extraction method? ive been told if the pressure builds up it can explode but vids ive seen it seems easy as long as ur not by an open flame? what u think?"

Yes, I think it is potentially very dangerous. We're basically making bombs, in the extraction tube and in a room if done indoors; as well as a fire ball if done outdoors while smoking. It's not the pressure that's dangerous: it's the pooling butane when extracted or evaporated indoors; electrical spark or cigarette outdoors. I don't even wear fleece when I extract with butane, around no outdoor electrical outlets, I won't even carry matches or a lighter.


I copied this post from another thread where there were some safety issues I wanted to address and had to do some research to get some of the information I wanted. I put some work into it so I want to keep it in a thread of my own so I don't loose track of it. I learned all of this information from Phife and his crew on Overgrow ten or fifteen years ago, I just remember the important stuff (don't use pvc, don't get blow'd up) so I had to refresh my memory. They had a chemist in the thread and went into much greater detail than my limited knowledge allows.

Extractor Tube Efficiency



Sorry for intruding on your thread.

I'm not sure if the pictures and instructions are yours or if you copied them, I assumed you were looking for a discussion on BHOE. Normally I'd just leave with my apology, but ....

There are two critical errors in the extraction process shown that will cause death and/or a long visit to the intensive care unit before going to prison; and a third error that will just attack your organs over time. I think this is information that everyone reading the thread should know, including yourself.

1. Death and/or ICU

Never, ever, for any reason, extract indoors. Butane is heavier than air and will sink, even with an open window and a fan you WILL get butane pools. Electrical outlets, appliances, the fridge might turn on, the heating system. Outdoors only, no garage, no barn, no doghouse. Remember the guys who blew the doors off their garage a couple months back?

Explosion Blamed On Hash Oil Lab


2. Death. If you stop at the ICU for a bit you'll probably just wish for death.

a: Never, ever, for any reason, boil off butane indoors.
b: Never, ever, for any reason, boil off butane with a heat source (the burner) that can reach butanes flash point (788F) or has a flame.

Most burners won't reach 788 but I've seen red hot sparks when moving pans around the burner which would ignite butane gas. Not worth it. Even if you're using a double boiler, the butane as a gas is going to sink in air because it's heavier. Below the double boiler is the burner or flame. Use a tub of hot water - outdoors.

"Keep on a low heat and turn on your fan now to keep the area well ventillated!" - very dangerous advice.

Is that is a flame stove?


3. Organ damage.

Butane leaches chemicals out of PVC over time. PVC was not designed for BHOE. PVC contains a host of dangerous chemicals as well as lead, cadmium and other heavy metals - which will stay in your body and build up over time.

Heavy Metal Toxicity


"Does PVC pipe contain hazardous chemicals?"

The concerns about hazardous chemicals in PVC centre on the use of heavy metal stabilisers (typically Cadmium and Lead) and plasticisers in flexible PVC products (such as phthalates). There are many reports that question the level of concern with respect to these chemicals in PVC."


"Should I be concerned about VCM?

Consumers are not at risk from exposure to VCM. VCM is only present in the polymer raw material stage.
VCM is known to cause a rare form of liver cancer after prolonged high level exposure. The only known deaths as a consequence of contact with VCM have occurred to people involved in the manufacture of PVC. "


You are using a non polar subcritical solvent on these pipes. They will leach those chemicals and heavy metals into your honey oil, a little at a time, so you'd never notice until you've reached toxic build up.



You made beautiful oil but eventually you're going to get blow'd up real good if you don't change your process from what's shown in the pictures.

Best of luck, BHOE kicks making cannabutter's ass, so many uses for the resin. I've made corn syrup candies that are unreal, highly recommend it. When I want brownies from my Volcano dregs I do a BHOE and have amazing tasty brownies. A great process.


Extraction chapter with photos including the best BHOE pictorial ever written, by Phife >download<



Well-Known Member
this dude hobbes has got the be the most helpful dude out there since widow maker. they just dont make people like these 2 anymore


Well-Known Member
thats awesome dude so it seems fairly safe as long as proper procedure is observed. Ide prob sub in copper tubing instead of the pvc

Brick Top

New Member
BC Seeds has advertised several strains as being 50% or higher in THC. BC Seeds is a known ripoff site. No strain has a 50% or level of THC.

THC percentages is THC in relation to all other cannabinoids found in tested trichome heads. It has nothing to do with any portion of a plant other than the the cannabinoids found in trichome heads and what proportions/percentages they are.

In the past when herb was supposedly so much weaker testing was done different. Then, THC was in relation to all matter found in trichome heads, not only in relation to other cannabinoids. That watered down THV percentage levels. When the testing procedure was changed THC levels seemed to shoot way up but that was misleading, it was mainly the result of the change in testing procedure and also because sensimilla had become all the rage and in the past tested her had seeds and lost some potency to that, not that suddenly people began creating wunder-strains.