Over 500 actual watts of cfl ... Yield ?


Well-Known Member
I've got a 200 watt 2700K. Your plants need more light bro, like bassman said your nodes are way to spread out. Try keeping the CFL low and surround your plants around the light. The key is to get the light as close to your girls as possible.
If I were you, I'de ditch your current strain once this grow is completed. You never know, you could just have really bad genetics. I would definently rearrange your lights though.
Check out my grow if you wanna see what I'm talking about.
I agree with this advice, more light closer and use a bloom nutrient.


but you are affecting your overall yeild by burning the whole plant up. no? i know some people cut off fan leaves in flower but surely burning them will heat stress them? idk if im right its just a question