Over nutes problem??? Superskunk auto + cfl + DWC


Hi guyz,

I'm growing an autoflower superskunk, this is my set up : https://www.rollitup.org/stealth-micro-cab-growing/627525-pc-growbox-mini-dwc-cfl.html

I'm at day 24, all proceed well till today when I find some brow leaves tips.

Nothing has changed in last days, same lights, same vents, same temp/humidity.

The only thing I changed is the nutes amount in DWC solution. According to the instruction I switch from 1-1,5 ml of nutes/L to 2 ml/L.

Maybe overnutes issue occurred?

Actually I replace the solution with standard water without nutes, only adjusted PH.

Any advice? Issue is reversible or my growth will be compromised?

Many thanks!
