Over or under watered

Travis g

This little girl is curling over and slightly brittle to touch , I’ve watered but not coming back do you think I’ve over watered ?? The others are fine with same care ect… soil is mixed per light coco and other soil thanks
Even if others have the same mix,, each plant reacts a bit diffrently. Check how deep the moisture goes. Sumetimes looks are deceiving – the top might be dry, but roots could be drowning. Could also be a drainage issue:cry:. If you have a tray, make sure exces water is drining out. I use a similar mix and always let the plant dry out between waterings:).
Plants that size need like 2 ounces of water and when the soil lightens and dries add 2 more ounces. No need to saturate your whole medium right now. Try not to over think it.