Over or under watering??????? PLease help <3


Well-Known Member
Give em a good flush, and they will return to normal.. Once and a while when using promix this happens to me, I'm thinking it has something to do with getting oxygen to the roots but a good flush then feeding will straighten them right out..


I would like to help you but I'm having the same problems here. but I can confirm overwatering will make the leaf falls and turn yellow. past experiences. !


Well-Known Member
You guys i'm telling you, try a light flush.. won't hurt your ladies and i promise it will work.


Well-Known Member
My theory is that there are pockets in your soil that are starving the roots of oxygen and when you run your water thru your pots it gets rid of these pockets.. I could be completely wrong but I know on the reason this is happening but I know how to fix it

kevin murphy

New Member
if you using ferts then only use 1/4 strenght and work your way up over time till there strong enough to handle it...


Well-Known Member
So basically pit a few gallons of R/o water into the pots slowly and let it drain out....that should make them smile????

no nute yet, JUST repotted two days ago with fox farms so they shoudl be ok for 15 or so more days.....thanks guys^^


Well-Known Member
Update...... PLants bounced back VERY nicely...TONS of new growths , lots of new stems shooting out.....Aqua is what they needed..thanx boys!!! Cheers and Ill smoke a Joint in honor of all you have done for me this day^^