Over watered or under watered plants are stressing me out! Someone help!


Hi everyone i think i have done a rather good job upto now considering it is my 1st grow,
well anyway i have 10 plants in 10L pots under 2 x 600w HPS lights have been like this for 10 days first 5 days under cfl

Temps 26 -28.6 Degrees C
Humidity 38 - 42%
running 18/6

ok well plants have been growing what i class to be fine the other day i watered them and kind of thought that i had given them too much water as the leaves on a couple of them started to droop so i decided not to water until i couldn't feel any moisture on my finger 2" down

well 3 hours ago what i like to call the king of all the plants has literally just started to droop its leaves, i don't understand why it is slightly moist and looks green & healthy.

I am debating to give it a really good watering tomorrow but i am scared to incase i over water they are only 15 days old from seed but are quite big considering this....

How should i gauge when i have given it enough water?
I am growing in coco soil using canna A & B in 10 litre pots.

i intend to VEG For 3 weeks well 2 weeks from now & flower for 8 weeks.

Should i water until it comes out the holes at the bottom? i am scared incase i kill them


Well-Known Member
if its mosit then its deffintaly over water do you have proper fans on your plants? dont water them if you can feel any moister at all 2-3 inches down if you can dectect any moister they dont need water when you undeerwater a plant it tends to be more dramatic and it will completly go limp in a verry short period sounds like they are over waterd dont water agin untill that pot is light and you can stick your finger 2-3 inches into the soil. there is no gaugeing how much water is enoguh its pretty hard to underwater them by giveing them to little water unlessz you just giveing them like a cup of water lol. most of the times water doesnt even come out of the bottem well only a little bit if it does like a few drops. but i usally give them a good flush every 2-3 wweeks. you will get the hang of it just dont worry about it to much because when you obessing about your plants thats when new growers start to over water or over fert. they want to give the plant everything it needs to thrive and them some and thats when the plants start to get hurt. if you have good air flow on the leaves then it is deffintal overwatering


Weed Modifier
over-watered is giving them water when medium is still wet...when medium is dry its ok to water til you have water coming out the bottom, long as you don't water again until medium is almost dry, you can gauge this by lifting pot right after you water...then when its dry, it should feel allot lighter.

under-watered medium will be bone dry and pot will feel really light.


Well-Known Member
over-watered is giving them water when medium is still wet...when medium is dry its ok to water til you have water coming out the bottom, long as you don't water again until medium is almost dry, you can gauge this by lifting pot right after you water...then when its dry, it should feel allot lighter.

under-watered medium will be bone dry and pot will feel really light.
What Lime said... :-) best way is the finger test if it comes out wet and its heavy let it dry out...