over watered, recovery time? +Airflow question


Active Member
Newbie here, after my seed germinated I put it in soil that was too wet. It's now day 5 and the little seedling still looks like she did day 2. The top 1/4th inch of soil is dry, but I'll be waiting till it's more like 3/4th inch to water it (is that correct?)

Anyway, what's the recovery time usually look like until she'll start growing again? Should I just cut my losses and start over? And why do her leaves seem a little... blue? Is that normal?

Question 2: Last night she dropped to 66f for the first time, previously the low had been 68f. At night can I turn off the oscillating fan and exhaust so the cabinet keeps a little warmth, or is this a no-no? Is 66f too cold, or should I not worry about it?



Well-Known Member
I've been having same troubles, I've been trying to maintain a regular temperature in the room at about 72-78F when the lights are on. The temp goes down when the lights are off, but as long as it doesn't go below 60F I think it should be good. Like DandyRandy said, till the soil with a toothpick & let the soil dry out. It's been 4 days since I did that, I can see mine starting to recover, leaves straightening out & new growth. I told myself not to water for a week or until the plants communicate to me that they need water. Take the fan off it because it might be too much wind.


Active Member
Okay guys thanks a bunch! I'll turn the fan off till she gets bigger. I had poked little holes into the soil for air, but I didn't think about tilling it, I'll give that a try.


Well-Known Member
If possible. Goto the hydro store and grab some kelp blast extract.

It's like 2 bucks for a little pouch, just mix it with your water and feed next watering. Then sit back and watch them triple in size in a week.


Active Member
I have some Grow More seaweed extract, will that work? I was under the impression that it was too early to give her anything other than water


Well-Known Member
I usually don't feed for a week or 2 depending on plant. They are all different. You want the roots to search for water and food.