Overall Progress


Active Member
Through being on these forums so far in my grow I have learned a lot. All I have been doing is reading, reading reading. I was just wondering how everyone thinks i'm doing, and if there are any suggestions to be thrown in the air.

I'm working with 5 cfls. At soil break i was using 4 23w daylights on the sides, and 1 42w (150w equiv) bright white on top. I stopped that and proceeded with 5 42W (150 equiv) bright white 15 days in because they seemed like they were working better. Also, in my setup pics, i replaced the tin foil for mylar

From soil break (day 1) I was using miracle grow crystals individuals ( i think 24-6-6) from reading on here I am now using a little of the crystals and FF growbig. When i flower i will be using both FF Blooms.

I am currently at day 31 of veg and was curious how I was doing. It is approx 12 inches tall. pretty short but i think ok with CFL's.

I'm not sure when i'm going to flower. I need to find something that will work because i cannot have my apartment reeking. My freind and his family were 400hpsing 6 plants and there house reeked so bad. I figure for a plant this size something like a "mailbox" size would work for flowering. and i plan on using the DIY carbon filter from RIU i found

Sorry i may have rambled, but i am a scotch/whiskey/bourbon/brandy type of guy and i've been hitting the brandy already....



Active Member
unfortunitly i cannot upload anymore pics right now, security token missing????? i'll try restarting my browswer and hopefully that will help. so far you see day 19 pic 3


Active Member
and this is all of them. finally. Soil Break till today from seed.



Active Member
am i atleast on the right path as far as how i trimmed the fan leaves so more light is getting to the bottom. How i tied it down to lower the bottom stems, and then the higher up ones i pulled down and to the side to allow maximum light to all the areas that are growing....


Active Member
what if it turns out to be a male?
Then i'm fucked....I started a clone so i can let the clone veg for 2-3 weeks then try to see if it will flower that young to just find out if male or female....but i'm hoping!!!

This is my experiment grow. when i get/make the perfect flowering cabinet, i will be buying good seeds....


Well-Known Member
it looks a little droopy you might be over watering, or you might just have your lights a little to close 2-3 inches is good. i had some plants that would droop down like that when the lights were to close


Active Member
i think it may be underwatering. I give them about a half keg cup 2x per day (morning and night) and about 1 1/2 hr after watering they perk up a whole lot!

and i continuously move the lights around to try to get the positioning perfect

i did mess up one thing but i don't want to change it in fear of disturbing the roots. I didn't think it would get this big this quick and i have it in a gallon pot - not terra cotta. i think the terra cotta would be better because it allows any over watering to drain onto the bottom tray. my bottom is solid so who knows, i could have 1' of water at the very bottom


Active Member
looks good to me my dude u shoulda topped it though.but hey dude its a beaut.im bout a week behind u

C3rtifi3d Hustl3r

New Member
looks good to me my dude u shoulda topped it though.but hey dude its a beaut.im bout a week behind u

No what happends is the Droop when they get tired Its fine when they get a little bigger they will stop. It happend to me to. Nothing to worrie about. what i do with watering is I stick my index finger about a inch down in the soil and if it is Moisterized Then i dont water but if its dry i water.


Well-Known Member
you should definitely drill some holes in the bottom of that pot as soon as you can, and/or transplant because you should have it in atleast a 3 gallon pot by now. after you transplant youll see the plant start to grow a lot faster and it might solve that drooping issue to


Active Member
you should definitely drill some holes in the bottom of that pot as soon as you can, and/or transplant because you should have it in atleast a 3 gallon pot by now. after you transplant youll see the plant start to grow a lot faster and it might solve that drooping issue to

it should be safe to transplant 1 month in?


Well-Known Member
yeah its a month old right? not a month into flower? it will be fine, your plant will love it go for a 5 gallon if you can but a 3 is fine too


Active Member
yeah its a month old right? not a month into flower? it will be fine, your plant will love it go for a 5 gallon if you can but a 3 is fine too

just got back from the store with a 14" pot. Doesn't say the gallon amount but it lookes like it's a 3-5 gallon. just transplanted it and i hope the roots grow into the new soil because they were all wrapped real tight. looked like rootblock maybe. only time will tell


Active Member

Right now i'm at day day 50 (day 3 flower).
Right before I went into flower I proceeded and gave him/her (still praying) 2 days of complete darkness because i have read that it reduces the time before it shows itself. ever since i did that my lower leaves have been drooping and the tips are curling. Granted it's only 3 days since the long dark period they may not have fully recouped, but was wondering if it's something i'm doing. I've been giving in FF grow big for approx. 3 wks, and i just started FF GB, TB, BB and plan to stop using GB in another week and just the bloom products. If anyone has any suggestion please let me know. She is in a 3 gallon pot, and i give her 1 keg cup (16oz) water every other day or when she get's real dry and it is not tap water, it's all natural rain water

