

Well-Known Member
u could seperate them by gently takein them out of the pot, gentlly remove as much soil as possinle by tapping the roots with ur hand. pour some hand warm water on the roots and try to wash them apart. ur gaunna lose some roots but u mite be lucky and manage to keep them all alive. best of luck buddy.


Well-Known Member
just had to do the same, not all in one but repoting sprouts.. exactly what dura72 said, but to add to what he said, make sure the main root is not damaged, if this does happend, continue to repot in indavidual cups but the ones with damaged roots, saturate the soil with h20. sprouts are very forgiving when it comes to over watering. thatl help keep her alive until she repairs herself and grows new roots . good luck and happy growings


I did this a lot when I hadn't enough cups when seeds decided to fully germinate.

I suggest simply taking them out and replanting them.

Just don't pull them up. Scoop them as to avoid separating the plant from it's roots.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
I did this a lot when I hadn't enough cups when seeds decided to fully germinate.

I suggest simply taking them out and replanting them.

Just don't pull them up. Scoop them as to avoid separating the plant from it's roots.
He wants to remove and re plant them thats why he made the thread, scoop them? what if the root are tangled?

OP, i suggest lightly knocking away the soil from the root balls, it's do-able.

best of luck.


Well-Known Member
how bout jus planting in seperate pots 2 begin with????/
Here's a thought. This is for all the newbies out there. DO NOT PLANT MORE THAN ONE PLANT PER POT! Why people do this is beyond me. Are cups or flower pots really that expensive? I think not. The OP needs to get those out of there immediately and be as gentle as possible. You may lose one or more of them but hey, you obviously wanted to save a few pennies. Please think a step ahead that way this doesn't happen. I see a lot of stupid mistakes on here but this is one that should never happen IMO. ;-)
It's hard to keep up with all the replies and I'd like to thank you all for the help. This is my first serious grow and I'm just trying to maximize my crop. I'm separating them today, I'll keep you all up to date.


He wants to remove and re plant them thats why he made the thread, scoop them? what if the root are tangled?

OP, i suggest lightly knocking away the soil from the root balls, it's do-able.

best of luck.

By "scoop them up" I mean literally with a tbsp or something.
That way you can knock away excess soil.

Now, if the roots are tangled, they will be tangled regardless of what you do.

It's okay to cut a tangle apart.. it will stress the plant, but no more than transplanting normally would to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Heres a picture of my problem I'm not really sure how to handle separating them.
Transplant them into seperate pots ASAP.... Never a good idea to put more than one seed in a pot as they will fight over the water and space for their roots to grow... Plus, their roots will get entangled eventually, and then you're fucked... Probably end up w/ the healthier/stronger plant killing off the smaller one...

Just be really careful when you transplant... I did this back in the day before there was all this information on the internet... Just popped 4 seeds in a small pot, let them grow a few weeks and then i'd move them outside... Depending on how long i waited determined how hard it was to seperate them once I moved them outside...

Once again... BE REALLY CAREFUL not to touch the roots when you pull them out... You're probably gonna have to tear some of the roots as the plants are probably somewhat rooted together... That's OK, just try to minimize it as much as possible... Get them all in their own seperate pots... They will probably be in shock for 3-4 days, maybe a bit less but i'd shoot for somewhere around that range...

Good Luck to ya!!! Growing more than one plant in a pot CAN be done... but after years and years of techniques being improved... it is not highly recommended...

Happy growin' 'n tokin!!!!bongsmilie