OverHeated Plants Possibly??(Pics)


Active Member
I am new to this so please feel free to ream...:D

Hey, so i know i need to move these into much bigger pots, and that they shouldnt be clear in the first place..., but i have a light comming in a few days and ive been getting my room situation figured out...

I came in one day and they had started to Show yellowing bottem leaves, and then from their on they just started to get worse...

Essentially ive just been using filtered water from a brita and no Nutes as of yet...MC soil...(/wrists)... Its been a blizzard in the midwest so ive been locked inside or walking for the past 5 days...:X

The one that has me most worried is The tallest one, you should be able to tell which one im talking about...:/

PS, these were taken from my Iphone....



Active Member
im having the same problems. I'm not sure what's causing it so I'll keep posted. My plants got pretty hot and are yellowing at the bottom. I'm also using a brita-like filter and wonder if that's not the problem. I may have been using too few nutes/ too much water


Well-Known Member
how far on are you vegg? 12/12.
lokks like your over feeding.
also do you have a fan blowing on the plants, fans help the plants rid the bad toxins.
but what temps you got?
and what lights?.


Well-Known Member
im having the same problems. I'm not sure what's causing it so I'll keep posted. My plants got pretty hot and are yellowing at the bottom. I'm also using a brita-like filter and wonder if that's not the problem. I may have been using too few nutes/ too much water
what strain is that in your avitar mckush


Active Member
im just using cfls waiting on my 400w hps to get here in the next few days...

Ive started some seeds at different days of the week, but 3 of them are mostly 4-5 weeks veg....under cfl's...which have been weak....so im gonna let them chill under that hps for a week or two until they look better....these are just bagseeds, i have ICE and aurora indica comming so that should go better...this was a test to see if i could at least make something grow, long and behold i could....
Edit: Yes i have a Fan blowing and my temps are a little high, usually around 85 degrees....although ive taken care of the heating vent that was causing the problem...:/

Edit #2: Just checked my temps...i guess the changes i made with the vent have lowered to my temps down to a constant 80...:D

Any Ideas though?...i dont feed them Nutes....


Well-Known Member
i added a reflective wall on one side of one of my grows and didnt think that it would block the air from getting there and now the side where i put it, all the leaves are weak and drooping. i took out the wall, and shut off my hottest light. this ones on 10/14 lighting in the third week of flowering. how do i revive it from this point?