Hi guys so I’ve noticed my 12 day old ladies haven’t grown at all in a week... im 90% sure its due to overwatering. 2m X 3m tent, I’m growing 20 plants, 4 strains in 5 gallon fabric pots 75/25 coco perlite hand mixed. All plants are exhibiting the same stunted growth. 2 are actually drooping. whenever the top of the coco got dry (about twice a day) i was watering about 250ml evenly around each pot with a watering can. Since I started thinking it was overwatering I haven’t watered for 48 hours and although the top inch or so is bone dry, probably due to my cmh lights producing a lot of heat, its still got a lot of moisture still in the rest of the coco. Temps are 23-24 Celsius (73.5-75 Fahrenheit) and about 40% rh. I’m really worried about the stunted growth affecting my yield as they are autoflowers. I’ve attached a few pictures, can someone please try and help me try to get them growing again? Thank you so much.

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