
Big Z

For my first grow everything started off wonderful however after my last watering all the plants started to heavily droop. Its been about 3 days sense I over-watered them with not much sign of a recovery. The soil is now fairly dry My water is ph adjusted and currently running under a 600 watt MH 2 feet above the canopy. Should I rewater with the soil now being dry or continue to wait it out? If so any ideas to speed up recovery? Have left a fan on them and turned off the humidifier in an attempt to dry.




Well-Known Member
you really can't overwater as much as watering too often. water them until the soil is saturated- you get water draining from the bottom. the water acts like a syphon and pulls oxygen into the soil. the excess will drain off leaving an approximate 50/50 air/water ratio(given you are using well draining soil/soilless mix) don't water again until the soil is almost dry. this makes the root zone expand and will give you more hearty plants. if you water too often, you effectively drown the roots and starve them of o2, which will cause the droop.

Big Z

Makes sense thanks for the advice i will definitely cut back on the watering schedule a bit. Sense they are pretty damn dry at this point should i hold off on watering until they have perked back up or moisten the soil? Also I have crazy roots coming out of the bottom of the drainage holes no chance they are root bound? About 2.5 weeks old


Well-Known Member
Makes sense thanks for the advice i will definitely cut back on the watering schedule a bit. Sense they are pretty damn dry at this point should i hold off on watering until they have perked back up or moisten the soil? Also I have crazy roots coming out of the bottom of the drainage holes no chance they are root bound? About 2.5 weeks old
usually are root bound when they start going around the inside of the cup in a circle, but the cups aren't seethrough. prolly wouldn't be a bad idea to transplant when they perk up.

Big Z

ah so now im confused have been told overwatered and underwatered. Really dont want to water again if they are over watered. Not trying to knock either of your suggestions of course but could they really be underwatered after heavily watering them just a couple days ago? Right after my last water they drooped immediately and haven't recovered


Well-Known Member
in the pics the soil looks dry to me , feel the weight of the pots ya should be able to tell . If not . fill a pot up with dry soil and 1 that you just watered , them feel the difference .


Well-Known Member
i would keep ur fans and everything running as normal , you said in ur first post the soil is dry , then further down u said soil has just had a good soaking couple days ago , well yes the plants will drink loads and probs used up that water from the other day ,especially under a 600watter , add some maxicrop seeweed to ur waterings ,

Big Z

Definitely I was begining to lean that the needed a watering as well. Just confused because right after the last watering the very next day all the plants were drooping


Well-Known Member
yeh transplant before watering then give them good soaking , depending on the new pot size they may not need another watering for a week or so , also add some maxi crop , helps with transplant shock


Well-Known Member
yep I agree if you have roots out the bottom transplant water good a leave alone intill dry then water again the little red cups probly would need water every other day or so big light fan going and plant growing every day drys them out quickly