
have a question... it looks like I am getting signs of phosphorus deficiency... veins collapsing... turning brown.. and really soft leavesthat are dying... only on 2 leaves... could it either be the lights I'm using or ph lockout again? I have been using same water... I have been using fox farms fertilizer at just about half strength according to their "soil schedule" as ive red on other posts... I'm thinking I should stop using fertilizer all together as it messes up the plan every time I use with this soil.or even a weak amount... I haven't phd the water with nutes in it until today, but I have only used twice and only happened after... water was coming out REALLY ACIDIC at first... almost orange... 50% orange.. 50% yellow before it was more toward yellow or yellow green (5.5?) soil has been tested before this problem and was at 6.5 to 7.0 ph it seems it has lowered it a lot (water ph)... I'm going to test it again.. I'm thinking a flush and maybe use 1/4 or less fertilizer if any at all..
signs are showing on 2 leaf tips... and middle of one of same leaf on one side... its only been 2 days since first sign and its gotten worse and spread each day on older leave (fans) I used the nutes once... then it was fine and water normally twice... then last night I noticed first signs.. thought I just mishandled the plant because I did damage the same leaf... maybe I need to be way more gentle on the plants? ( I thought I was being really gentle comparatively to all the videos ive seen - but I did damage leaf with first signs)
yeah I'm not going to use anymore... I literally used twice since the first time this happened... I flushed it with 2.5 gallons of water... and about a gallon of water came out from run off... awful looking run off looked like it was milky almost green color... probably good I flushed anyways ... the plants perked up right after... hopefully this never happens again... I only used it because the tops seems to be coming in too light color as if they needed something... guess I was wrong again
yeah I'm not going to use anymore... I literally used twice since the first time this happened... I flushed it with 2.5 gallons of water... and about a gallon of water came out from run off... awful looking run off looked like it was milky almost green color... probably good I flushed anyways ... the plants perked up right after... hopefully this never happens again... I only used it because the tops seems to be coming in too light color as if they needed something... guess I was wrong again
new growth should have a pale green/ yellowish look. As you know im a huge less is more kind of guy:weed:
I am too , I absolutely agree... I only added nutes because it was yellow almost white colored on top in the middle where new growth is... I thought possibly nute deficiency ... but maybe it was growing so fast that it took time... I'm starting to get tons of pistils opening up.. .don't even need a magnifier anymore ;) cant wait... no more nutes for me when I use this type of soil... makes it too hot.
I believe it is hotter because that mix was made for veg growing, and it has different ph... the happy frog i believe is made for our plant choice... or at least what i could gather from the info i searched out on it
ok I got it... I have had zero problems with it except when adding nutrients... I think it has plenty as it is. the ph was 7.0 when I transplants.
what is the best ph to water plants at? assuming soil is 6.5 or 7... is it like 6.0?
i always when i did ph my water ph to 6.7. But that was when i used bottle water... my theory was if soil was higher in ph it would start to lower it and if it was to low it would raise it. I did hydro for a long time and got burnt out on checking ph ppm ect every day so... i just went to using straight tap water when i switched back to soil... when i was an environmental consultant i tested lots of water and most of the time ph out of tap is around 6.5 to 6.8. so i dont even check it unless i have a problem and so far it works for me and i have alot less issues that i did before.
I do thing a little different than most folks and it works for me... Back home everyone said i had the best hydro and wouldnt believe me when i said it was grown in mericle grow which was my soil of choice back home because i could get it easly and it worked great...
yeah I also use tap water... Poland springs water is about 5.5 ph and tap water is 6.5 so I think tap water is perfect... I don't ph every time .. usually only when using nutes or just once in a while to check to make sure that I'm still on the right path... I'm going to change my lights over tomorrow... I have tons of pistils coming out that are looking pretty huge and I go all my 2nd and 3rd sets of nodes all starting to fill in and looks like its about to start budding. so I think that is good. will post pictures later this week.. things starting to look awesome! :D
Will this top 3 nodes grow into a cola top bud? or will it be a bunch of little buds formed together? or a crap chute?
only one way to find out... I thought it would... maybe not 100% filled but at least good enough to be worth it. will be going at this for probably another month anyways . before I start glueberry og