overwatering maybe or too much nutrients help??

hi everyone,im growing 3 sugar babe plants which have grown brilliantly until a week ago when i started to notice ALL the big fan leaves going yellow followed by the smaller important leaves coming from the bud sites,i noticed that the main top fan leaves have a redish tint to them ontop of the yellow,they have been flowering now for 41 days being fed with biobizz grow for veg and bloom for flowering with some vitalink buddy every 2-3 days,i use fresh water every 3 days but admit to not using fresh water for the first 25 days of flowering but all was absolutely fine then,green all round.i mean the buds are big for only a 1 half-2 foot plant and the main cola is a sight to be relished,quite excited to smoke these plants but hope the leaves hold out for the buds to properly swell towards the finish line.any help would be appreciated as i have flushed the plants with canna flush in the hope it might be over nute but havent noticed a change as yet,help please to save these beautiesbongsmilie


Active Member
I've seen a million threads like this, sounds like what you're seeing is called Autumning, it's when the plant uses up all the 'N' in the fan leaves. So it's either they need more N or you've got a PH problem that preventing the uptake of the nutrients it's needs. I've found that most people cut back too much on the veg food during flowering and that's how the get the yellow leaves.

So start by checking your water/soil PH and get those in check then give it some more N. The leaves that are already damaged won't heal but it will stop it from spreading. =)

ok thanks for the help so far as going by what was said by brownbear i think its either nutrient lockout due to ph because even after changing to the bloom mix i added a little extra grow formula purely to help the leaves so maybe i over nuted causing lockout.i will go take some pics now and post them up as that would help you guys to hopefully pin-point the issue or at least down to a couple of reasons,il be back just like arnie but better looking;)thanks again for taking the time to input as i do appreciate this alot
pic 1&2 are from the same plant but the other is showing the same symptons just not so severe,pic 3 is a leaf from halfway up the plant that grew from the bud site that shows the yellow/red/purple shades and slight burning also,pic 4 just shows the worse affected leaf up close and looks very sick as im sure you will agree,the buds on the main cola after 41 days flowering is roughly 7-8cm in diameter and apart from the leaves all seems to be going in the right direction.im thinking over-nutes and a bit of overwatering maybe causing the ph to be very wrong,its my first grow and they are under a 400w hps and 600w hps which are about2 foot from the plants atm,what is it and what do you think i need?help would be great,thinking of flushing but will hold off for some replies first,thankyou ps.just to add that i flushed the plant with distilled water with canna flush as i know they are not underfed due to the amount i have given them since flowering and before,the run off i recieved looked the same colour as the biobizz grow when you mix it up which going by what ive read isnt a good sign and hopefully my first solid help on what the reason could be,am i on the right track,any help please as not long to go and dont want these beauties to fall before the last hurdle which in alot of strains means swelling and at this rate that wont happen!hhheeelllppp!mmee!
cheers brownbear for the tips as i have done the ph and found it to be very wrong so am adjusting now and they have not got worse since so fingers crossed,il update with pics when they turn the corner hopefully,thanks again bear!great advice
not long now guys:),after flushing with canna flush then distilled water the run off was 6.8 after buying a digital ph tester already:) and since the leaves havent got any worse,alot suffered terminal damage i feel but i think they should cope now with the little time they have left,i have learnt a valuable lesson about not having the right equipment at the right time and assuming things would be ok without them,clearly thats not been the case,i have got away with it before but on reflection alot of hassle with most definately could have been avoided with some common sense and a bit of cash and the stuff in this case was peanuts for the good they will do hereon in,i also bought some canna organic ph down which should be here today or tomorrow so i can properly keep the ph in check as the water here turns out to be 8.2 from the tap but goes down as the temperature of the water rises?only slightly but i will adjust when the water is warmed a little before use as im sure it looks like a small adjustment will be needed,i will put some pics up when i transport them to the dark room before harvest as not easy getting these things down from the loft and the lights mess with the photos clarity,till then,fingers crossed!lol,peace
nice one brownbear your chart plus added advice nailed the problem down and made me aware of something that previously i was guilty of taking for granted,ph will be measured all the way as i should have done from now on and il also grab a soil ph tester to keep things properly in check,i purchased some biobizz root juice also and will grab some friendly bacteria additive"cant think of the name right now:)"but hopefully will make the plants more resilient in future grows!pineapple express are in veg now along with 5 fem citral skunk from bulldog seeds and all is well so look forward to the results now im using my brain and listening to good advice.i feel i have turned a corner as alot of problems in the past were caused by nute issues/ph problems now i know more so shouldnt happen now!fingers crossed:)thanks again guys!!