Overwatering or too much heat?


Well-Known Member
Day 19
81F 40%

The overwater damage makes me sad. :sad: As I posted before the worst is over but the crispie leaf edges just look bad. They are pretty dry now. No water in 3 days. Pots are pretty light. I will give them some water here in a few.

I am planning on watering enough that I can check the PPM of the runnoff. That will end my guessing about how much is in the mixture and I will know if i need to give them nutes with the next watering (In several days)

Pics in a few ....

EDIT: I mixed up some FF GrowBig to test. At 1tsp/gal it gives me a PPM of <400 @ .5

Mix up the order today....

Hey Dog those plants have come on a lot, good looking after them, there looking good and healthy just now, hope you don't have any more problems along your way mate..

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
Day 21
Sorry its late, everyone....

45-70% RH
5" plants. Light 17-18"

I have more good growth today but I am also still seeing damage from the overwater :confused:. The leaves that were hurt continue to degrade. I hope I diagnosed the problem correctly. :shock:

Pics shortly ...

EDIT: I will take these pics under white light for good color ...



WB2 - Least damaged. Highest PPM runoff ... Coincidence?



Well-Known Member
Time has answered this question for me. It was the beginning of a nute deff. When I turned on the HPS they started to feed bigtime. I added to that problem by letting them get too dry thinking I was overwatering. Live and learn. I think I have stopped the bleading but it cost me several lower leaves on each plant. I put a layer of Hygormite over the top of the soil and have gving a spike of nutes (~1650PPM w/epsom) and am now feeding with about 750PPM on each water. Watching the runoff I am at about 1000PPM @ .5 now so I will likely back off the feed to every other but they are looking better.

My journal has all the gory details.