overwatering or underwatering?


Active Member
so over the past few days the leaves have started yellowing slightly (i know i still need to transplant and separate these two plants into two pots - when is the best time to do that?).

i water usually once in the morning, but the soil in this seems to dry up very quickly maybe due to there being two plants. i only water when the soil is like dust dry, but i have been watering fairly frequently.

ill come home from work 8 hours later after watering once and its dry so leaning more towards underwatering but ive also been told watering more than once a day is not recommended.

2010-07-13 17.42.49.jpg


I have the same problem, the Humidity is very high, like over 70 and I've been watering way too much. Was wondering if the humidity is playing games with the shit or am I overwatering; because soil is dry, tried using mulch to help it preserve some moisture but still not helping. friggen leaves droop after like 2 days its so aggravating; the weird thing is only two of em are doing this and the rest are doing fine; should I transplant? And Xenosis you need to transplant, get better soil, bigger pots and better light, looks like ur using the straw trick, get some more light and better ventiliation.


Active Member
looks like overwatering and underfeeding imho. Lack of nitrogen for sure. Transplant n feed with a full npk fertilizer.

Hope this helps best of luck


Active Member
yeah the humidity is low, around 40% usually, but the heat is usually 80-85f. ac unit coming soon. is it safe to transplant them at that stage? i have kgrow fert with nutes and bigger pots ready to go.


Well-Known Member
holy shit dude that soil is terrible. lol and id make sure you ph is balanced it doesnt look like a watering issue but your soil does look really dry there


Active Member
any distinct differences in the plants health and or appearance that could help determine if its one or the other?


Well-Known Member
It's neither. They're starving because they're competing for nutes, and they're isn't enough available. They need seperated and transplanted asap, in larger pots. That would've been alot easier to do, when they first sprouted, but, you should be able to pull it off without too much root damage, if you're careful.

Also, they look like they need more light. I see that you have straws in there, for braces, which indicates that they're stretching. What sort of lights are you running? How close to the plants are they positioned?


Active Member
ummm you should be able to tell if you are overwatering or not... your potted plants will be very heavy when you pick them up. when they are dry they will be about half that in wieght. sometimes overwatered plants will droop and yellow making you think you arent watering enough...simple newbie mistake. most people dont know anything about this kinda shit when they start unless they are dealing with people in the know. I always go with the least amount of water that will get me through the day or two. this way i never over water and if they need extra i can give em the h2o they need. underwatered plants usuaally will tell you by going limp.


Well-Known Member
Water by actual weight..not by how heavy it " feels"

Buy a cheap bathroom scale...

Fill the pot with dirt...weigh it dry..and allow for one extra pound per month during flowering ( for root and plant weight )

Never over water again....


Active Member
lol @ the scale... dude after a while you can get a feel for how much your watering... you do use a gallon jug dont you? if you are the only one watering and you watered the day previous with half a gallon... dont you think by over a period of a few weeks you would get the "feel" for what your plants require... a scale is a great idea... but who has an extra scale laying around for their grow anyways... lol you would have to buy one ... thats money that could be going somewhere else in your garden... all im saying


Well-Known Member
lol @ the scale... dude after a while you can get a feel for how much your watering... you do use a gallon jug dont you? if you are the only one watering and you watered the day previous with half a gallon... dont you think by over a period of a few weeks you would get the "feel" for what your plants require... a scale is a great idea... but who has an extra scale laying around for their grow anyways... lol you would have to buy one ... thats money that could be going somewhere else in your garden... all im saying
A scale costs 10 to 15 bucks....that's a cheap price to pay for piece of mind.

And no... the "feel" of a weight changes everyday....for everyone....proven fact. And yes I know how much water my plant needs and when....but it still can surprise you...changes in temp, humidity, fan dessication all effect water weight..even inside...unless you a have grow room where everything is monitored and adjusted.

I know when to water my plants..but I still weigh them on a scale...too much money and time involved. Peace of mind was worth the trip to Wally World.


Well-Known Member
A scale costs 10 to 15 bucks....that's a cheap price to pay for piece of mind.

And no... the "feel" of a weight changes everyday....for everyone....proven fact. And yes I know how much water my plant needs and when....but it still can surprise you...changes in temp, humidity, fan dessication all effect water weight..even inside...unless you a have grow room where everything is monitored and adjusted.

I know when to water my plants..but I still weigh them on a scale...too much money and time involved. Peace of mind was worth the trip to Wally World.
Peace of mind or bordenline obsessive compulsive? lol I guess whatever it takes.


Well-Known Member
There's no such thing as overwatering, with soil grows. Overwatering, is simply the failure to let the medium dry out, between waterings. You could flush them every single time you water, and as long as you replace the nutes required by the plant, they'll grow more vigorously than if you water them sparingly. I'm not saying to do that, I'm saying that it's a good thing to water thoroughly.


Well-Known Member
There's no such thing as overwatering, with soil grows. Overwatering, is simply the failure to let the medium dry out, between waterings. You could flush them every single time you water, and as long as you replace the nutes required by the plant, they'll grow more vigorously than if you water them sparingly. I'm not saying to do that, I'm saying that it's a good thing to water thoroughly.
I'm going to have to disagree with you here in that you can over-water in a single watering. Over-watering can lead to root rot if the medium takes too long to dry and your plant isn't completely root-bound. If someone's humidity is above 50% with poor airflow, you run the risk of molds growing in your medium. There is a reason we water our plants different amounts at different stages of its life and that's because over-watering can cause problems. But you're right in that it's important to let the medium dry out to a point before watering again. Knowing how much to water and when to water is part of being a great grower.


Well-Known Member
Homebrewer, I'll agree that it's possible, but only of you have a shitty medium with piss-poor drainage, or, a plant that is undersized for it's pot. Otherwise, I stand by my words. :wink:

Also, I'll say that I should've added that watering should be reduced as the buds gain density. As you mentioned, it raises the risk of bud mold. :)