Overwatering or worse?


Well-Known Member
they look like they need a shot of N. What nutes, soil, lights, how long have they been flowering?
15-30-15 nutes, just gave the plant some last night for the first time in about a week

I use soil

cfls tons of them

and 12/12 from seed, so i guess its been about 4-5 weeks


Well-Known Member
bump... help please
\\yeah looks like over watering, try letting the soil dry out before u water again.. (pick up the pot and see how heavy it is.. a dry pot is really light even with a huge plant in it.. ) when the pot gets light, add water (or nutes(


Well-Known Member
If you wanna save her at this point you need to get a bit drastic....I would recommend watering her with some nutes that have a high N and add some h2o2 to your water. also...flush the shit out of her before you give her the water with nutes and peroxide....this will get fresh oxygen to the roots and should keep her alive until you can get the soil to dry out....but after you do that you need to let it dry out! :mrgreen: good luck bro


Well-Known Member
buy some of this from home depot or a gardening store... this really did help my plant... the best part is it wont burn your plants no matter how much you put