

Hey guys, second grow, still learning ;-)...ran into some issues and need a little help figuring it out...I have 5 clones each in 5 gallon pots right now, all of them seem to be doing awesome and are very happy, except for one. I noticed yesterday that the leaves were drooping and she looked a little "sad" but I decided to wait until the morning just to see if she was having a "bad day."

She is still drooping and her leaves are very dark, the day before she seemed fine. I water about 2-3x a week and feed about once a week. This happened after a feeding, so i'm not sure if that may have something to do with it

It looks to me like she may be overwatered? Not really sure how that would happen considering she's one of the bigger ones and all the others are fine...

I decided it was best to ask the experts opinion on this one, I love my ladies and don't wanna fuck shit up...haha

Thanks guys!!!overwater.1.jpg


That sounds like the best solution at the moment...do you know if it looks more like overwatering or possibly signs of being root-bound??

also, there were a few times that i had to water with regular tap water instead of distilled or treated water, do you think that could have a factor in what's happening? I'll have to repot them tonight and then update in a few days

thanks for the help!!!!


just transplanted to add more soil...I'm pretty new and didn't realize how low the soil was till i really took out the babies and refilled the pots. The roots seem pretty healthy on all of them except maybe the sickest one...but i hope she can come back!!! The roots were not as white as all the others but weren't brown, hopefully it's ok

I'll repost pictures in the morning after they have some dark time....

Thanks for the help!!!

One Love bongsmilie


Ok here are the pictures...sorry about the delay :bigjoint:

So, I repotted the ladies, which made them much happier. I'm a total newbie and didn't realize how low the soil really was until I actually took the ladies out and saw it...:sad:

The roots looked nice and healthy on all of them except maybe the most sick one, and I'm pretty damn sure that I shocked one of them during the re-pot process too...crap

Good news is that the ladies are "looking up" which is awesome (except for the one i shocked) and i'm sure everything will be back to normal by the end of the weekend...

Here's the lady I was worried about before, she's not super pretty right now, but she's much happier than she was before, she was looking pretty bad before I repotted her


The lady below is a little mad at me right now, definitely could have been a little more gentle with her...


And here's the family photo ;-)

Let me know what you think and thanks so much for the help!!!! ONE LOVE


Ok Well it looks like you guys saved my ladies :lol:

The only one that seems to be having a hard time is the one that I shocked when I repotted it...

The rest of the family is back to normal and looking healthy as can be, yay!!

I've been watering a little less and watered down my nutrient solution for the first feeding after the repot, I move the buckets around every few days so they can get different light, which seems to make them pretty happy

I'm going to wait a little while until the unhealty one regenerates itself, then i'm planning on kicking them into flower ;-)

Here's a picture after their first feeding with more soil, the lady in the far back left is obviously the one who isn't having such a good time...
