

Yeah................like i said it sucked. but I forgot to mention my first grow was my first bag of seeds. WHEN I WAS SIXTEEN.....quite a bit older.........but not much smarter


New Member
yes this site is great and search helps dont be afraid to ask a question
the only stupid question is one not asked


New Member
what are the dimensions of file cabinet can u post pics or is it the standard 15"x18"x29"high one


Well-Known Member
When I first came here I was so frustrated, there is so much info here ( and not all of it is correct) So here is what I did.

I read and read and read - started my first garden and it was amazing (dumb luck, I thought I had an uber green thumb) , kept readin reading and totaly fucked up my second run( this is when I realized I am not some weed growing savant) ( 12 plants total dry wt was only 4 ozs) So this is when I realized the info here is not accurate ( for the most part) but there are some wonderful nuggets of wisdom.

So get yourself 3 things first..

1. Pencil ( this is crucial it MUST be a pencil)
2. get yourself a good sturdy notebook
3. The majijuana grow bible.

Now that you have your supplies sit down and write down every question you think you might have, ( leave room for your responces ) then read the book. Keep your journal with you and as you think of new questions write it down. i 100% garantee if you do this you will know more than 85% of the people that think they do. Don't get me wrong I have garnered some great insight on some majorly fucked up advise, just keep in mind no one here or any other site has any investment in your garden only you... So take anything any 1 says with a grain of salt and research it before doing it... AND FOR CHRIST SAKES DONT PISS IN YOUR PLANT...........


Well-Known Member
Okay man. Thanks. This site rocks compared to some other sites. I just wish I was born with all this knowledge like some of the guys here......

No one is born with it we ALL learned it somewhere whether a friend showed us, we read Jorje's book, or just trial and error, we learn it somewhere, just relax........


New Member
we all started out like u and if u pull up the most experienced growers first post they r funny and we got to remember we were once in the same spot


Well-Known Member
There are people on this site who grow with house lights and people with 20,000$+ systems

Just ask the questions you need to know and don't feel like you have to spend a ton of dough
some investments can pay off in the end.

spend alot of time in the DIY section


New Member
yes there r some great money saving tips in diy section i have read them all

There are people on this site who grow with house lights and people with 20,000$+ systems

Just ask the questions you need to know and don't feel like you have to spend a ton of dough
some investments can pay off in the end.

spend alot of time in the DIY section

Total Head

Well-Known Member
about your lights, sometimes it can be easier to lower the plants than to raise the lights. for example keeping the lights stationary and placing your plants on stacks of books. when the plant starts to grow into the light, remove a book. smaller spaces don't always have the space for movable lights. and about being overwhelmed, that's the problem. you haven't even started the grow and you're already stressing. you've done the reading, so just jump in. once you begin the grow you will find that you will run into specific problems that are not covered under "basic" info. those are the issues to focus on, and luckily they only come at you as fast as you choose.