Well-Known Member
You must not have any legally registered firearms (in particluar, handguns)in your household then. Since the Brady bills passing (after President Regan and Brady were shot) obtaining a handgun has become more complicated in that you have to fill out a FEDERAL form and answer several questions truthfully under penalty of perjury (look on the form). Most places will sell you a shotgun or hunting rifle no questions asked or waiting periods. Try to buy a HANDGUN and get ready to fill out that Federal paperwork AND have an FBI background check run. All gun dealers do this, and yes this is America. And nobody said anything about CARRYING an unregistered weapon (that is a both a possession and concealed charge) if you don't have your permits in order.Are you talking about the United States of America here? You STILL have the right to 'keep and bear arms' as long as they are properly registered. This is just plain wrong, there is no "registration" of individuals fire arms on a federal level. The carring of an un licienced weapon is a crime (in most jusistrictions) in and of it self.
and I thought there was a lot of bad plant advise on this board!!!
If you aquire your weapons BEFORE you obtain your Red card, you are clear. Show me the statute (Federal or State) that mandates in writing you surrender your registered weapons after you obtain your Red card, it doesn't exist. As far as 'controlled substances' go, Vicodin, Percoset and Oxycontin are also controlled substances. Plenty of police officers (and others) use them to treat chronic pain. And THEY are supposed to serve the public trust. People just give up their rights so fast these days, no wonder there are few of them reamaining.