Oxy Online?


Active Member
I'm guessing that if anyone even did post a link to any website at all in this thread that it would be deleted because I doubt rollitup wants anything to do with telling ppl where to get synthetic heroin.


Active Member
Furthermore, yes pills are fun, drugs are fun... but do you really want to put that crap in your body? I used to do a lot of shit but I decided I need to take care of my body because I need it for as long as I'm on this earth.

You can get just as good a body buzz with a strong indica and a few drinks ( I know alcohol's not much better but in small quantities I think it's alright )


Active Member
yes you can get them online its just hard to find the sites.i found a couple websites a couple months ago that sold 80 for like $40-45 each and they all got busted but there are like 3 sites now that sell 80,40,30, a couple people tryed them and actually got them and said they are good. they are all in tijuana. i know of two sites that send them. they also sell tabs,bars and etc.


Well-Known Member
I don't really get oxy's a friend of mine handed me 4 pills (his wife is on a prescription) I looked them up on the internet and they were 5mg oxycodone and 300-ish mg of tylenol... Perc's? So it said they would hit me stronger if I snorted it and it wouldn't last as long which is perfect because it wad my first time so I could see how strong they were for just alittle while. Any who I snorted 2/ 5mg pills 10mg of oxy at first... I didn't really feel the first 2 pills I snorted but I was pretty baked could the marijuana high have over rided the supposed highly addictive high of the opiate oxycodone that I keeep hearing about :shock:? Well about an hour or two later I snorted another pill which now equals to about 15mg snorted. After an hour or so I could start to feel the effects... dizziness, stomache discomfort, tiredness. Though I did not really feel any type of "high" I felt like I was really baked the whole rest of the day which was about 7-8 hours though no type of amazing high that I could see myself becoming addicted to just... bleh. Sorrry if i'm jacking your thread i'm not trying to I just wanted an anwser from some people who already have some personal backround on it :-|

Oxycodene and oxycotin are two different things, oxycodene is a percacette. (SP?) thats what you did not acctual oxy..... what you did where im from they sell for like 5 bucks if your lucky.....

Oxy 80's are worth 60-80 bucks here and if you railed 2 oxy 80's you'd be sicker than a dog and probably OD


Oxycodene and oxycotin are two different things, oxycodene is a percacette. (SP?) thats what you did not acctual oxy..... what you did where im from they sell for like 5 bucks if your lucky.....

Oxy 80's are worth 60-80 bucks here and if you railed 2 oxy 80's you'd be sicker than a dog and probably OD
oxycontin is oxycodone. percacet is oxycodone and acetaminophen (tylenol). oxycontin is "speacial" because it comes in very high mgs compared to percs and it can easily be injected or snorted due to the absence of the acetaminophen. i dont think its special enough to warrant a 60-80$ price tag for an 80 mg pill though. i would only pay around 50 cents a milligram for oxys, but i guess supply and demand determines the price in your area.


Can anyone here say that they have successfully ordered and recieved OC from an online vendor?

I've searched long and hard for a source and after being scammed on a couple small orders that seemed legit I've been very cautious. I've found many, many sites that claimed to sell oc but where clearly scams. If anyone has a confirmed legit source for OC (or any other of the more powerful opiates for that matter) please shoot me an email at mindcloud@hushmail.com and we may be able to help one another.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Bump, I have the same Q as everyone else. PM me if you have an actual source that you've used please. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, I saw this site and just didn't feel like creating an account. But maybe I'll check it out. Getting ripped seems to be a common theme.
i was hooked on benzos for nearly 3yrs that site will give u all the links to ANY decent sites that are sending, but the oxy sellers usally only send the 1st few orders your never find a reliable regular source only way to go is order 1 time of each.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
i was hooked on benzos for nearly 3yrs that site will give u all the links to ANY decent sites that are sending, but the oxy sellers usally only send the 1st few orders your never find a reliable regular source only way to go is order 1 time of each.
Word. Good advice. So are Vic's more reliable? And swiy never had any problems receiving the product, assuming that person lives in the US?

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
hahaha Blatantly Illegal and shipping from the US. Too funny. Just search around guys, you can find something. I found a few a while back but never tested them, they just had great ratings. One even sent me a free half gram of Ketamine who was selling 80 mg oxy's for $40. But at the same time, you never know, some scammers send free samples or small orders and once you go large just rob you and run. The Ketamine was good though.

DC that was a 7 month bump, your best bet is to try a different forum....that's where I found mine.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Cool man you're right, that was kinda bringing back the dead huh? lol

So what are these just homies slanging on the net then? If it's from within the US it's either that or pharmacists dispensing w/o prescriptions right?


Well-Known Member
Word. Good advice. So are Vic's more reliable? And swiy never had any problems receiving the product, assuming that person lives in the US?
im in the uk and here benzos r still a class C drug without a script but in over 3 yrs i only ever had 1 order seized by customs n all they did was send me a letter saying they had seized my pills lol i sent the website a copy n they sent me a replacement which then got threw lol

i have seen an sent all sorts threw the post without ne probs, n if u no the right people you can get ANY drug sent from the net in the post.