Oxycodone addiction, help please?


Active Member
I guess I'm fortunate that pain pills never did anything for me except take away my pain, make me itchy, and make it take forever to orgasm (which is cool with a girl but no fun when alone).

It sounds like you're getting some decent advice here. Just try cutting back your dose as you can tolerate it over a period of time.

As I understand it (never tried it though), you shouldn't have a problem testing positive for opiates if you tell the test administrator about it first and have a current prescription from your doctor that allows you to take them. Then again, you could simply use Quick-Fix fake urine if it is a drug test for employment and you are confident that you will not be watched.

It's good to see that you have the drive to get yourself off of opiates. I wish you luck.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm fortunate that pain pills never did anything for me except take away my pain, make me itchy, and make it take forever to orgasm (which is cool with a girl but no fun when alone).

It sounds like you're getting some decent advice here. Just try cutting back your dose as you can tolerate it over a period of time.

As I understand it (never tried it though), you shouldn't have a problem testing positive for opiates if you tell the test administrator about it first and have a current prescription from your doctor that allows you to take them. Then again, you could simply use Quick-Fix fake urine if it is a drug test for employment and you are confident that you will not be watched.

It's good to see that you have the drive to get yourself off of opiates. I wish you luck.
thanks, they cant tell if its fake urine? you would think after it being around so long the companies would have cought on by now


Well-Known Member
i used to be hooked on oxycontins.... used to snort up 3 80mils a day.... my connection just suddenly vanished, and i was what they call drug sick for about a week.... shits, shakes, puking... horrible stuff unless you have to take them... but you are eating the lil 5mils shouldnt be bad at all.... good luck bro
wow im glad you got through that, if i went cold turkey while on 1 oxycodone a day would i feel any of these symtoms?


Active Member

On the fake urine: No, the testing centers cannot tell that "Quick Fix" is fake urine based on everything I've read (many testimonials on various sites like this). Quick Fix says that it updates its formula every so often to stay ahead of drug testing facilities (most current formulation is 4.2). They offer to replace old formulations with 4.2 if you send them in. I have no idea if they are really changing anything or just the name.

I have yet to find a testimonial where a person used "Quick Fix" with the included heating pad and failed a drug test where the pisser is not watched. Do some searching around on this site and others and see for yourself. I've just ordered some "Quick Fix 4.2" for myself. Hopefully I'll get a job offer soon and we'll find out


Well-Known Member
ask your doc to give you subutex its an opiate blocker that shit your on is stronger than heroin


Well-Known Member
Opiate addiction sucks, i was in a car accident that messed up L1-L3 disc's in my back.Anyways i was on pain pills for years and it got to the point if i didnt take them i would get very sick,trust me you dont wanna get hooked.I had to start on methadone just to feel normal again,its the worst thing ive ever had to go through in my life.Good luck with it...


Well-Known Member
who told you that heroin and oxycodone are the same thing cause they are dead wrong. sure they may both be derrived from the poppy plant but they are two totally different substances that two totally different molecules. i hate when arrogant people insist that oxycontin is "synthetic heroin" when they do no pills whatsoever.
Gordon: As far as the drug test, you "should be okay" as was stated above, but be prepared to explain any result to your potential employer ahead of time, including maybe releasing your medical records, BEFORE they send you for the test. Oh yeah, be sure that opiates are the ONLY thing that comes up positive on that test! Any other positives and you are gonna be passed over for employment.
Good Luck and God Speed!


Well-Known Member
why is anyone taking this kid seriously?????

10mg oxy a day? for a few days/weeks? you could probably take 10mg a day for the rest of your life, quit cold turkey, and never experience any withdrawal. bro that's no where near addiction territory. you just like them a lot, painkillers are awesome, i'd take them everyday if i could... jesus you aren't addicted man. i haven't taken opiates in over a month and i dont know if i'd even feel anything off 10mg at least not much.


stop trying to get attention and save your pills for the weekends.

oh and standard pre-employment drug screenings don't screen for semisynthetic opioids (hydrocodone, oxycodone) i think morphine and heroin are the only two that they test for, and pills are out of your system in 2-3 days tops.

this whole thread is retarded.


Well-Known Member
As far as advice goes against getting addicted, you only have 2 choices. Do or dont abuse them. I was prescribed Morphine 30mg pills and Soma 350 mg and vicodin 10/500 among other crap for indigestion and sleep because of all the meds. Actually I believe some of it is mind over matter. I have myofacial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia, Whatever the fuc that all is. I was in so much pain the pills became easy to abuse...
its a simple equation. More pain=more pills.
But there is an end the that equation. They will stop working and you will become dependent on them as your pain is part psychological.
In essence the pills make your pain worse. When your on them the dependency makes you vulerable to needing instant relief.
I learned the hard way.

An aquaintance who was also supposedly in pain began to ask for my pills for quite a high price. He was willing to pay upwards of 5 bux a pill for the morphine. It boggled my mind due to the fact I ate 5x that many or more a day...Id eat 3 like candy and chew them.
After wondering about it I asked why they were so valuable to him, I said man I eat them all the time and you cant really even get high, you get constipated and sick before you feel good.
He said I dont eat them. He was cooking them in distilled in a spoon and sucking up the water leaving the gums and lactose or whatever behind...injecting this into his vein.

A clear path to pain relief was now introduced into my naive mind.

Pain will make you do insane things just for a moment of relief.

I saw my choice and made the wrong one, not for fun not for leisure not to be cool.
I did it so I could live a normal life and wake up like a normal man and feed my 3 children and clean my home and remain on a normal family regimine.

This soon changed. A 30 day supply was gone in days, the pain was more intense and severe and my life was not being lived right, withdrawal was like a thousand burning lights in my head, I wanted to cry, and laugh, I was cold and hot, I was angry and sad and mad, at the same time.

The pain was now looking like a more desired decision. The 2 choices can be very obvious or very secluded and sometimes people go off the peak, they go over the hill and dont come back. I was indeed one of the lucky ones who saw the error of my ways...I often wonder how close I was to not waking up, how close was I in my drug induced coma to fade away, to stop breathing?

This is not a lecture I could care less what you do, this is an experiance. I feel sad when I hear of someone dying from overdose because I see they were not strong enough to resist it, actually my best friend Wes just Died the 22nd of Oct of methadone OD.
He never saw it coming.

There is nothing anyone can say to prevent another human from doing something stupid or dangerous. But whether you call it weakness or ignorance or just plain stupid take this with you before you ever make the mistake..

Pain is something you can become accustomed to, death isnt.

I now just live with it and have found the strength to live for something else other than my own needs, this is what one must do. I live for my kids and my family and know the pain is just my motivation to get up in the morning like a normal daddy. Even if I must cry when they are not looking and soak in hot showers at 5am before they wake up...Ill do that instead rather than neglect them or my own health...then around 8 am everything appears normal...

Maybe before anyone gets addicted to any substance they should search out something else to live for, this will give you more motivation to live and get up every morning than any drug.

Live for something else not yourself.


Well-Known Member
to above poster.

dude, wtf are you talking about?

painkillers do require escalating dosages and anyone who is on chronic treatment for pain will inevitably become strongly dependent on them and require increasing potency/dosages over time.

this is the big problem with painkillers, however as of yet they are the only reasonable treatment for chronic pain... so until they make something better those who are in chronic pain need them to function... they are a chemical crutch, but crutches are sometimes a necessary evil.

sad but true. everything in life is a compromise, if your pain is bad enough you will make compromises (a la dependency/side effects) to control it so you can lead a normal life. i'd rather see someone control his/her pain with fentanyl patches than alcohol.

and dude seriously lecturing others when you yourself were selling your own pills? i'm sorry for the loss of your friend but he was an addict and i've lost friends as well sometimes to addiction and sometimes to nothing in particular at all. people die from alcohol poisoning all the time, people die from car accidents every day, everyone seems to have stories about how so and so od'ed on oxycontin and xanax... well i had a friend kill himself, i had a friend die in his sleep from nothing at all, and i've known many to suffer death and disfunction from car accidents. addiction is a part of life just like anything else, it sucks but it happens. it is not entirely preventable even in responsible users/patients and can ruin/destroy lives. but that doesn't mean it doesn't serve a purpose.

if you can wake up every morning and use your pain as motivation that is great but do not lecture/cast judgment on others for something that really doesn't apply to you.

and true pain, crippling pain, is something you will never ever get accustomed to.


Active Member
Hey sorry i dont feel like reading all of this but you have Crohn's? I have it too. lol im just curious do you MJ helps with nausea? because i feel like it does and im conteplating telling my doctor i smoke.

You must have had some intense stomach pain for being perscribed oxycodone!

oh and actually right now I'm near addicted to hydrocodone and basically lost it to tolerance. hydrocodone is not as hardcore as oxy but I'm really not experiencing any withdrawl symtoms. I had a friend who was addicted to oxycodone once, he would sweat through shirts non stop when his perscription ended. Good luck with it!


Well-Known Member
to above poster.

dude, wtf are you talking about?

painkillers do require escalating dosages and anyone who is on chronic treatment for pain will inevitably become strongly dependent on them and require increasing potency/dosages over time.

this is the big problem with painkillers, however as of yet they are the only reasonable treatment for chronic pain... so until they make something better those who are in chronic pain need them to function...

sad but true. everything in life is a compromise, if your pain is bad enough you will make compromises (a la dependency/side effects) to control it so you can lead a normal life. i'd rather see someone control his/her pain with fentanyl patches than alcohol.
Man, if you need me to clarify my ordeal with pain and what pain killers can and will make you do then you just need to reread the post...
The whole thing was about getting dependent and addicted and needing more and not being able to function or take care of youself, then you just basically said the same thing in less words and obviously less experiance with it. So thats what im fucking talking about...I was already on 30mg 4 times a day on top of vicodin and soma...there was nothing else for me besides Cymbalta and lyrica which are for depressed people with psychological pain...
Like your last 5 posts Ive seen in several threads have either contributed nothing or made 0 sense.... most of the time it seems your just trying to sound cool or funny like the neptune flower thing...lmao so funny.

Go get addicted to morphine and soma and dont eat or shit for 2 weeks and a half and just lie on a couch in such severe pain that the only thing that will make it go away is cooking down your dirty crushed morphine pills in a spoon so you can inject it to be relieved long enough to take care of your family and be a man....then come tell me how it works. Id love to see you withdrawal off it and tell me how it all happens and what is going on from the bed.
And there is more than just narcotics for pain, shows what you know, there is anti depressants, reflexology, ultra sound, acupuncture, hypnosis, physical therapy...and probably half a dozen more things I cant even think about right now...not that other methods dont exist and pain killers are the great gap filler. Sometimes the pain is just that bad and its all that will "work" is a painkiller to make you just forget and finally rest or do something productive...
So dont say someone was lecturing, I was telling the person with chrohns what not to do if their on oxy their pain must be bad...and that is a bitch that will make you do some dumb shit..., and I said my friend was willing to pay that much, did I say I sold them? No I actually gave them away for diabetic needles in return.
Like I said pain will make you do anything for relief so maybe you have to convince yourself you are accustomed to it to find something else to live for and find something in life bigger than yourself...
sounds like you do need to reread posts and notice detail...because pain does apply to me and I was not in any way judging anyone, I been there I cant.


Well-Known Member
god i hate fucking opiates. i been on methodone for pain managment for like 8 years.....now go fuckin figure. i cant smoke a fucking bone to kill the pain, but i can take fucking smack?????????????????????????? this country is fucked. why can i take fentanol, methadone, perks, and morphine but i cant smoke a bone huh?


Well-Known Member
i find this kinda funny, "oxykotton for abdominal pain" but those things rip the shit outa my stomach not sayin they dont work for u. as for quitting