oxycodone how to stop nausea


hey i know its not a hallucinatory substance but i dont know where else to put this but anyway when ever i take oxycodone pills i get nauseated and high is there anyway to stop the nausea?


i took 3 pills today around 1:00 ish and i still feel high after throwing up 3 times i took 2 whole and one crushed up


Active Member
There's no way to stop the nausea.. You can try taking less, like cut your dosage in half or something. Drink lots of Gatorade to make the barfing a little bit less unpleasant.


Active Member
You took 2 or 3 pills but how many miligrams? you nausea can be induced by movement, almost like motion sickness. you should veg out and watch a movie, listen to some music. or lower your dosage.

in any case, if your not used to taking them, or are not taking them for pain management, 10 mg should be more than enough o get you high.. since they seem to last so long i am guessing they are percocete with tylenol, which is a buffer.. depending on how much tylenol is in the 3 pills, it could be contributing to your illness. remember you can over dose from tylenol with only 1000 miligrams. so if you have to take more percocete and ingest that much tylenol, it's not worth it ~


Active Member
Yep Bud is right... 10 mg is more than enough to get you high, 20 mg will definitely make you puke. And the acetaminophen in percocet is bad for your liver.
If you took 3 pills you probably ingested 1500 mg of acetaminophen... Be careful with that stuff, it'll cause liver failure and death. VERY painful death.


Active Member
Revel in the nausea, when i used to do opiates, i wouldnt be happy if i didnt at least puke once, i was using opana though, half a fourty up the nose would be amazing, dont try that though, unless you know you can handle it, shit could kill you if you dont have a tolerance


Active Member
oxy will stick with you longer if you dont take away the time release coating.... in my experience. but if you remove the time release coating, the high does not last as long, but is more intense so to speak?


Active Member
Lol... First time I tried oxy, a buddy of mine gave me an 80, told me to suck the coating off, chop it into quarters and snort one of the quarters.
So, that's what I did. When that shit started coming on, I ran to the toilet and hurled. Hour later, hurled again. Another hour or so later, one last hurl.
Thankfully, I had taken the oxy on an empty stomach, had a fridge full of Gatorades and drank one right after I took it, so the puking wasn't (too) bad, and boy was I fucked up!! I was ZOOTED for like 6 hours at least.
I knew that was something I did NOT need to be doing very often... haha


Active Member
LOL, if you suck the coating off it enters your blood stream~ you have to scratch it off :P My first experience was with crushed 80's and XanaX - A night never to forget, except the drug alchohol induced amnesia. I'm lucky i didnt OD :X
U need to stop oxy, if you need help withdrawing lemme know... If your having nausea then you do not have a tolerance for this drug, oxys kill dude. Never take an 80 less youve been on oxys for some time.. u will wake up dead.. it will shut down your natural desire to breath while you sleep.. ns... I did my oxy "battle" and was doing 2-4 80s per day.. never ever do this you can Die.
But getting off of them will be the most f'd up thing you ever do, if you dosage is low Id start reducing it Immediately this is a Very dangerous Drug serious Brother.... Stay with the Herbal Remedies Man You can quit I did but you have to be a Real Man to do it on your own
Advisor to the Stars"


You took 2 or 3 pills but how many miligrams? you nausea can be induced by movement, almost like motion sickness. you should veg out and watch a movie, listen to some music. or lower your dosage.

in any case, if your not used to taking them, or are not taking them for pain management, 10 mg should be more than enough o get you high.. since they seem to last so long i am guessing they are percocete with tylenol, which is a buffer.. depending on how much tylenol is in the 3 pills, it could be contributing to your illness. remember you can over dose from tylenol with only 1000 miligrams. so if you have to take more percocete and ingest that much tylenol, it's not worth it ~
well i went fishing and rode my bike so yeah i guess why


Active Member
cutter is very right. I lost my cousin a few months ago to OD, and he was going through rehab. Addiction can be too much for some people. Everything in moderation is an experience. some experiences only need to be experienced once or twice. dont fall into the trap of habitual use.


Active Member
Once, before i was using opiates as much, i took half an opana fourty up the nose, and i was puking for the next 3 hours, dry heaving is horrible. later on in my using though id be able to handle it, but too much too quick is dangerous, always start off small