oxycodone vs oxycotton


Active Member
yeah i agree with titty...i have snorted both contin and codone(not recomended) and those contin are usually stronger than the codone. The contin is basicaly man made heroin


Well-Known Member
Alright Jazzman, I've heard enough of what you have to say, youre really just looking for an arguement.... I said what the rappers go on about.... referring to the cough medicine known to many of us as "tuss". now, if you really want to go on about this fine, but Im done with this arguement. Youre a know it all who doesnt know a thing.... if you were to actually look into this you would quickly find you were wrong. You obviously dont want to look into it or we wouldnt be going on about this. Think what youd like, I dont care.... The people reading this will find what I have said to make complete sense. YOuve been shown to know nothing about this and furthermore, youve been shown to be a complete jerk to actually argue about what I said... when I used slang that was, yes, ingnorant. But who cares Jazzman? I know that Im right and you think you are, thats the difference here. anyone who has any doubt whatsoever can look it up just to confirm what I said. Dont look for me to post again on this, because my point was made.
What's up my Opiate friends - Midgrade, nice job setting people straight. Just reading this thread has me lmao, there's so much BAD info... People have to be much more careful - as most of us know, this stuff can take over you LIFE. For YEARS. Of course, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but... Percocet is definitely NOT codEIne. LOL. As you said, OxyContin is simply time released Oxycodone, just as MS Contin is time released Morphine Sulfate; Percocet is just Oxycodone with 325mg of Tylenol/Acetominiphen.
And, uhh... Lortab, Vicodin, and Norco are BRAND names for Hydrocodone/Tylenol mixes. Vicodin: 5mg Hydrocodone/500mg Tylenol. Lortab: umm... same thing, but also a 10mg Hydrocodone/650mg Tylenol pill. Norco: 10mg Hydrocodone/325mg Tylenol. Norco is the most recent to go generic, and the rest have been around for a while.
Why the hell do people want to make oxycodone sound like a manageable drug?? WTF? OxyContin is Oxycodone with some fucking plastic in it. Same damn drug! Of course, since Oxycodone is only available 5 and 10mg strengths (and 2.5 now?), and OxyContin came out with doses up to 160mg in ONE DAMN PILL (discontinued a while back, I believe), there's a crazy HYPE to the OC, but it's the same shit. Addicts don't care if they have to take 1 pill or 20. Just be careful guys..... Sorry for the rant. PEACE. Anyone out there NOT in chronic pain, just don't Fuck around. Opiates can steal 10 years of your life before you even BLINK....................................
Thank you.....saved me alot of typing.....and my blood pressure is going down. people, listen to this man, he knows what he is talking about on the drug info. She may not be happy with only ten years of your life....oppiates have been my constant companion since an auto accident in 75[im 50 now] and I'd never did drugs before, but have not been able to stop because of chronic pain, without meds my quality of like is like 7%. If you are going to use drugs...you can grt a pdr, use one online, ect...just don't waste your life.
Methadone and Oxtcoyin are both very dangerous drugs...I take 160 mg. of methadone each day, 4 40mg. waffers. My best friend died on it and xanax Dec. 17th 07. Ya'll take care.. peace


Active Member
Oxycodone is the name of the drug while Oxycottin is a brand of the drug. Percocet is the same this but not as strong as oxycodone. There is a stronger tylonol called Tylonol with Codine, it is weaker then oxycodine but stronger then extra strength tylonol. Those are perscription only. I wouldnt recomend this pill shit anyway. They are all bad ideas. Stick to the natural shit like weed. If its artificial its not worth it. Plus they are all addictive.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Watson "824":
Watson Pharmaceutical

7.5 milligrams Oxycodone
500 milligrams Acetaminophen (tylenol)

It is a white, scored, oblong (more or less oval shaped) with Watson 824 on one side and no inscription on the other side.

(This isn't what is in vicodin, I read that earlier, this is the shit in Roxicet, Percocet, and Oxycontin. Vicodin is hydrocodone and acetaminophen and much more weak than oxycodone).

You can separate the oxycodone from the acetaminophen via Cold Water Extraction (search the forum for this).
Oxycontin is synthetic heroin. I used to use that shit a lot. Not really worth it. It is fun if you just want to chill. but dude, it goes from being the weekend warrior to injecting that shit. dont do it.

oxycodone is percocet.

{I used to be a huge ass opiate addict.}
@Joeymorphinex33 I saw your post and maybe you can answer a question for me. My Dr. had me taking Oxycodone HCL-APAP 10/650 two times a day. My new prescription is Oxycodone HCL 5 mg tablets 2 tablets twice a day. Is there any difference? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
haha Okay, there are a few alkaloids that are refined from opium in places like turkey and hungary and shitty places around there.... the important ones are codeine, morphine and then theres thebaine. now, codeine is used for mild pain relief and also when you have a cough.... we all know the syrup those rappers go on about and we all love it too.... tussionex haha. Morphine is the safest drug ever cause its not as euphoric and shit but it kills pain pretty damn good. Then theres thebaine...... the one used in the production of oxycodone. some may argue this but its a fact.... there is common misconceptions of what opiates we digest because once in us, it breaks down into things like hydromorphine and shit like that... so people assume thats what we're eating. not true. the answer to what the difference between oxycodone and oxycodone ER (extended release) has been answered.... they just put wax in to slow the metabolism down. Oxycontin is the name Purdue pharm. gave to their oxycodone ER pill. posters are right when they say not to fuck with this.... Its better than you could ever expect so it fucks you so hard in the end.

Morphine not as euphoric? I beg to differ, it is, in my opinion the most euphoric of all the opiates bar none. It is more clear, more smooth, more effervescent, it is the velvet glove over the iron fist, it transcends all the others, including, in my opinion, heroin (yes yes, I know it breaks down to morphine in the body but the high - again, in my opinion - is ponderous and weighty, lending far more to an instant nod than pure morphine).


Well-Known Member
oh and morphine PHOSPHATE or HCL are the pill forms... when taken wrongly they can produce desired effects but if taken IV or orally in right dose.... it is not one of the more addicting opiates... its the purest form of itself besides heroin..... because once morphine enters your body it IS heroin after breakdown. and is any of the rest of that info false? the answer is no. I am a college grad and youre probably in high school living with mom. youve done the drugs.... you were probably the bottom of the barrel but that doesnt make you educated on what it is you put yourself with to feel better about your probably shitty ass life.

Dude, you are going on and on a out your being a college grad but unless you graduated with q chem or pharm degree you don't necessarily know what is going on. Seems most of what you say is accurate but you have the morphine->heroin thing backwards. Diacetyl morphine is metabolized into morphine -

Once in the brain, it then is deacetylated variously into the inactive 3-monoacetylmorphine and the active 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM), and then to morphine, which bind to μ-opioid receptors, resulting in the drug's euphoric, analgesic (pain relief), and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects; heroin itself exhibits relatively low affinity for the μ receptor.[SUP][53][/SUP] Unlike hydromorphone and oxymorphone, however, administered intravenously, heroin creates a larger histamine release, similar to morphine, resulting in the feeling of a greater subjective "body high" to some, but also instances of pruritus (itching) when they first start using.[SUP][54][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with titty...i have snorted both contin and codone(not recomended) and those contin are usually stronger than the codone. The contin is basicaly man made heroin

Wow - oxy contin and codone are the same, one is time release, the other is not. Heroin is "man made heroin" being that heroin is a semi-sythetic drug just as oxy is. I do agree however that (IN MY OPINION) oxycodone is more and more quickly habit forming. From that I get the sense that it will likely be more quickly addicting as well. Oh, and if you are going to snort, you are better off with t he codone which in all likelihood is some form or IR or instant release.