Your trying to make lite of the situation using 2 entirely different examples from 2 oposite ends of the spectrum,ive never heard of or seen a grown man on his knee's sucking cock for another joint but there are many examples of men doing this for Oxycontin,as well as robbing banks & liquor stores,beating old women over the head for their social security checks,home invasions,stealing from their own families,muggings ect ect ect.............
Just look at this thread,once i posted that i have extra Oxycontin that i dont take every month within minutes the offers were rolling in,that shit is a mennace on the streets & has no legetimate use other than pain control.
If your one of the people who takes Oxycontin for fun thats great,it's your life but dont try to make lite of the real dangers that shit poses to everybody who takes it,plus the thousands of innocent people who end up being victimized or murdered by dope feinds on the hunt for their next fix of Oxy.