Oxy's & other opiates


Active Member
It's been a good while since I've done some opiates, almost 5 months, injured myself at work & got a script for 20x 5mg Oxy's. Of course I'm enjoying them as who wouldn't? Anyways I've been indulging in different doses every time [10mg, 15mg, 20mg, 25(got super sick on that on) 15 seems to be perfect for me with some Alrazolam] & I seem to get audio hallucinations have you or some sort of thing going on with my ears. I'm vibbin to some rap, I can here it fine just got something going on in the ear department lol. It's been a while so this is normal yes? Not really worried or anything just wasn't sure if it was new. Normally get Oxy/Acetaphetamine but these were pure Codone. Any insight is appreciated. HS crew is always helpful.


Well-Known Member
audio hallucinations is rare, and should be checked out, many with schizophrenic tendencies start by imagining they here shit ...lots of times and cash later they realize they were right and are fucking crazy, look to why you can't be like the rest of us..? it takes effort


Active Member
Not like I'm hearing shit I shouldn't man I just have a vibe in my ears that's unusual but not uncomfortable. I'm agreeing with beuffer420. & always man always.


Well-Known Member
I always described it as a muffling like one person who talks sounds like many. I only say be careful because that is a sign that you've reached a threshold. Your body is telling you no more like when u took too much and got sick. That's your body rejecting too much of it so it doesn't get hurt.

when I started taking those I only took a few mg but that turned into 4 80's a day a couple years down the road.


Active Member
No it wasn't a ringing, more of a buffering. I was thinking about popping another since the first 3 were 105 minutes ago but from what you said I'll probably hold off. Don't want to get sick with my roomie here. Also chewed a giant vitamin C tab for immune system purposes could that have gotten me higher?


Well-Known Member
This happens to me with vicodin/percocet, and have seen reports around the net as mr duck showed above, but wheni experience it, it is not a ringing but more of an absence of air, if that makes sense? a dulling of hearing, more like when you pop your ears on a car ride or taking off in an airplane..

I am more sensitive to the change being i can only hear out of one ear, and am completely deaf in the other... but this happens to me only when my body is getting used to taking them again, then goes away... gives me paranoia though because i only have one ear! lol


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure on that one with the vitamin c...i would pop a Valium with em and shoot to the moon. That's dangerous too can cause seizures. I know they feel good as hell, just keep in mind the devil dwells in every pill. Those were the start to a path for me that brought years of torture upon myself. Other than that be aware of your body... listen to its alarms.


Well-Known Member
I'd be a little careful, use of some of those opiates are suspected in permanent hearing loss. It is claimed that the loss is sudden but no one is sure because it could be that the user simply doesn't notice a more gradual loss.

Not saying this is happening, but there are suspicions of such a thing.