OZN Jr. odor control


Well-Known Member
It got to a point where I had to do something with odor control. I have no need to vent out of the room really, especially during winter months. The room temp is in the 70s without doing so, and I keep the room door open. It actually helps with the heating bill a little.
Anyway, I was looking for a way to control odor without venting and gave the OZN Jr. a shot. Paid $90 for it locally, probably could have found it cheaper online. The room is about 12x12, 7 ft ceiling. Usually 6-8 plants in various stages of flower (I veg elsewhere).
I can happily report that this thing works, and works well. I don't believe it would hurt anything if I left it on all the time, but I don't. I personally don't care about the smell so I only turn it on when necessary. It will clear any smells in about a half hour. It cycles on/off every 10 min I guess.

the wiz

i too have been looking into these. i would be very interested in your review. thank for posting about this product.


Active Member
i have the OZN-1 ... its not in use as i do not have a garden atm =/...but if i had to choose again i would have put that money towards a fan/filter...

the wiz

It got to a point where I had to do something with odor control. I have no need to vent out of the room really, especially during winter months. The room temp is in the 70s without doing so, and I keep the room door open. It actually helps with the heating bill a little.
Anyway, I was looking for a way to control odor without venting and gave the OZN Jr. a shot. Paid $90 for it locally, probably could have found it cheaper online. The room is about 12x12, 7 ft ceiling. Usually 6-8 plants in various stages of flower (I veg elsewhere).
I can happily report that this thing works, and works well. I don't believe it would hurt anything if I left it on all the time, but I don't. I personally don't care about the smell so I only turn it on when necessary. It will clear any smells in about a half hour. It cycles on/off every 10 min I guess.
how is it working out?


Well-Known Member
Caution, it comes on every 15 minutes for 15 minutes and goes into an off mode for 15 minutes. The smell is super unnatural and I got quite sick after sleeping in my bedroom for 2 months of flowering with it on only during lights on period. It does work well though. id buy a bigger/better ozn1 for 140 and put it on a timer. 10 minutes an hour would be good in my opiniong for a 12sw ft grow.