Ozone generator, efficient enough for an open space with an ona style freshener?

I hate to ask a question that has been asked a hundred times before. I have used the search button and can't seem to find an answer to my question. I have a 5x5 set-up in a walk in closet which does not have a door (currently just has a sheet covering the opening). Being the space is not sealed off I am not exactly sure how I am going to go about odor control. I am pretty sure I will be using either a ona-block, ona-gel or the gallon size jug of ona-pro breeze. I was also debating on adding a good ozone generator. Anyone have any suggestions or possibly a link to a forum for some help on odorizing an open spaced room that does not have a way to drill holes to vent to the outside atmosphere? Also anyone have any experience with an ozone generator to give any feedback on how noisy they are? I live in an apartment and am afraid of smelling too much. I know it is possible to grow in an apartment just not sure on the best way to rid of the smell during flowering / drying and curing. My set-up is pretty efficient at 386 watts which is putting out 25,986 lumens. Humidity is at 42% and temperature is a little high at 85.1 degrees f (currently trying to figure out how to get temps down to 76 degrees), I am also going to be making a Co2 generator out of a bottle which will be using sugar and active yeast. Thanks for the help and sorry once again for asking a question that has probably been asked a hundred times. (Will rep if I am able too, not sure on how this forum works as this is my first post).


Well-Known Member
i've got both a diy carbon filter and a ozone generator. the carbon filter out performs the generator hands down. the nosie from the fan is barley noticble once you get use to it
i've got both a diy carbon filter and a ozone generator. the carbon filter out performs the generator hands down. the nosie from the fan is barley noticble once you get use to it
I would prefer to use a carbon filter as hands down it works the best. The only debate I have is that the room is open and not so sure the carbon filter would do any good. I am only going to be having 3 -5 plants going at one time, first time grower so I am afraid the smell would be overbearing being it's an apartment.


Well-Known Member
my grow is in an old brooder house/chick house and i still get parinoid about the smell, i'd be a fucking nervous wreck growing in an apt.
The closet is in my room, which I have measured it out and comes to nearly 30 feet to make it to the window. I do not have a way to put a door on the closet to make it sealed off to be able to have an intake and exhaust. If I were to put in a carbon filter would it do any good to just have it in the room or will I need to figure out a way to seal the grow room off for it to work? Reading around the ozone generators are not good for living areas and are hard on the plants, also the ona-gel does not sound to work alone to filter out the smell which has me debating on stopping the whole grow and maybe find a grow care giver to grow the crop for me.


Active Member
I have the "Big Blue" 8" ozone generator. works amazing, I vent my garden right at my front door and what mj smell? The only thing is the ozone is toxic so it must be vented outside! do not want this near your garden. Ozone generator is the best way but it needs to be vented out and away! It will kill plants, bacteria, and also bugs and small rodents. The only reason they suggest using ozone generator open in a room like that is in between crops when theres no plants, let it run in your grow room and it will completely sanitize your grow room better than if your were to wipe everything down with bleach and all it takes is about an hour. Hope this helps, with a small garden like that use carbon filter and good air fan sucking air out of your sealed grow room, yes put a door on it too. keeping a negative pressure(vacuum) will ensure no odor is dispersing without passing through the filter. and as far as a filter working better than ozone.... hell noooooo! not if its a proper ozone generator and its vented properly. The longer time the ozone is mixxing with the odor the better it works so I have about 30ft of extra ducting after the ozone generator just so this happens. I have like 4 hydrohut carbon filters and they have never touched my ozone generator as far as odor control. Dont let anyone fool you, ozone will take the smell of anything out. even 120 plants in full bloom! :)
After reading many posts I have constructed a way to seal the room off with door and have upgraded my lights. I have an 8" carbon filter rated at 750 CFM. A 1000w eye hortilux blue HPS light to run through the complete grow cycle. The hood is a sun shade (if I remember correctly) which has 8" ducts off of it. I will have two 6" intake holes, one of the intake holes will be open with a 6" inline fan to supple 250cfm. The other hole will supply the same amount of air to the light. Off of the light I will have a 500cfm fan to exhaust the heat of the light and the air in the room which will go to the carbon filter (will have a T on the exhaust). I may add another 250cfm fan at the beginning of the exhaust to aid in exhausting the air as their is going to be two 90 degree bends / the complete run will be about 10 feet. (will have the 500cfm at the exhaust side of the wall. (Hopefully that all makes sense without having a picture to show what I have going on). I am going to also be buying a oscillating fan (not sure what size yet) and also a stationary circulating fan in the room to keep fresh air circulating and the heat down. Being the room is roughly 100" x 48" I hope the heat is going to be easy to keep regulated (not sure what else I could do besides a A/C machine.

My question is the walls are currently a white color (the normal white color seen in most homes). It looks like I need to be more efficient as I have been reading around on 'Mylar', being it causes hot spots and my room is not extremely large I am not sure if I will be safe to use it or will I need to use 'Diamond Foil'? Diamond foil does not seem as reflective (I realize the human eye can not see how exactly the light is distributed / what is best for the plant), any input would be greatly appreciated. Will rep for your time, Thanks!!!!


Active Member
I have 2 overpriced grow tents with reflective shit everywhere and I have a large closet with just white paint and I consistently pull better crops out of my closet with semi-gloss white paint. I would save the cash for something thats going to get you more yield/dollar rate get a good wall mount ocilatting fan(30-45$ like the ones at hydro stores) and maybe a small window AC unit(100-200$ home depot) that directs cool air to your intake. This will be the only way to cool that 1000watt bad boy. I use liquid cooled on tracks and still need Air conditioning because its not even summer yet and your at 85F degrees. I am still trying to figure out how to use sugar yeast effectively in my garden with so much fresh air coming in it wont help a bit. I also have a 20lb C02 bottle/ regulator that I move around to tents that are flowering. The bottle is the only way ive been able to achieve 1300ppm's of Co2, yeast is messy, stinky and wont make a noticable difference unless you can turn the intake/ exaust off without exceeding high tempatures. All advise Ive ever heard is dont mess with CO2 untill your room is perfect and everything is already working flawlessly. Focus on the tempature and keeping it down without having to run all those fans. I use 1 550 cfm fan to exaust out, per tent. My intakes are set in a small confined area that is cooled by AC unit. This way I dont need as much air flow because the little air that does come through is so cold (60degrees F) it goes farther and if you do use CO2 your not venting it before the plants can use it.
The yeast/sugar setup I use is pressurised with an airpump then pushed through drip line that has holes poked in it that I ran through the canopy of the plants. Not sure how this works because I havent tested ppm but is definetly more efficient than than sticking a bottle in the room. I even tried using a 5 gallon bucket of yeast/sugar mix and dont see much difference whereas my CO2 bottle will make my fan leaves lift at least 3-6" when I crank it on, a noticable difference.