Ozone generator


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I currently came across an ozone generator specifically a Tornado. It says its supposed to deodorize up to 40000 cubic feet. specifically THIS ONE. Does anyone know about this specific type one? I heard some of these things may harm your plants or even yourself. Is it worth keeping this thing because im thinkin about sellin it and buying something that may be more useful. Does anyone know or have something similar to this one and have had results?


Well-Known Member
Please don't spread rumors. Ozone is used safely worldwide. Here in the US, it is used to sanitize hospitals, wine barrels, recycled glass soda bottles and it is used in agriculture, hospitality industry, etc.... It is true that an exposure to prolonged ozone can cause irritation, and worse at higher levels, however any unit sold in US to consumers must not emit higher than 5 ppm. I use an ozone generator, have for years.

Are you aware that you're eventually gonna develop respiratory problems exposing yourself to even small amounts of ozone? Re-usable carbon filters are much safer.


Well-Known Member
@serapis, I'm simply sharing facts, not starting rumors as you suggest. I know there's some really sensitive people here and I hope my next statement doesn't offend anyone, but, if a person does similar in-depth research as I have, instead of taking advice from stoners, they'd swap out their ozone gen for a carbon filter before the end of the day. Breathing ozone is unhealthy.


Well-Known Member
There is ozone all around us, occurring naturally. I do have a carbon scrubber, which is useless to control odor once I open my tent. I use an ozone generator that runs 15 on, 45 min off every hour as a secondary control. As I stated, there are plenty of justified uses for it, just as any Google search will show.... You are relying on the same government that insists marijuana has no medicinal value, yet they hold a patent on it. I understand that you mean well and only mean to caution the op, but I believe that used smartly, a consumer Ozone generator that was manufactured for retail sale in the US and meets safety standards, is a good secondary odor controller.

@serapis, I'm simply sharing facts, not starting rumors as you suggest. I know there's some really sensitive people here and I hope my next statement doesn't offend anyone, but, if a person does similar in-depth research as I have, instead of taking advice from stoners, they'd swap out their ozone gen for a carbon filter before the end of the day. Breathing ozone is unhealthy.
I use the carbon filter with an inline fan but some buckets of ONA or some other scent killer is an even easier and cheaper way of doing it-as long as you don't have a huge op going. I used to use the ozone generator for about 2 years without any problems but I read a lot of mixed info out there, so I don't take the chances anymore. It looks like your O.G. is quite expensive, so you should have plenty of $$ for one, if not 2, carbon filters/fans. happy growing with whatever you choose...:weed:


Well-Known Member
I am considering purchasing an ozone generator, even with my filter with fresh carbon in it, during the last 3 or so weeks it is not keeping the odor minimal. I am clueless when it comes to these machines, I have heard they are not suppose to be in the grow room. I have a grow cabinet can it be in the same room as the cabinet? I see them on ebay from 79 to 200. How much do i need to spend on one for it to be effective?


Well-Known Member
@serapis: We could go back and forth all day, but I really don't feel like doing that. I don't think you realize it, but your 1st reply actually supports my statement that ozone is unhealthy. Kinda going in circles, huh?


Well-Known Member
We are not going in circles.... your warning was duly noted and thanks for providing it. I'm simply offering alternative information. The poster is free to Google OZONE GENERATOR on their own and seeing how they are being used legally in the US in various industries. OSHA has even published safety data that allows employees to be in areas where Ozone is used. You keep saying it's unhealthy, I'm repeating what I've said earlier only because you respond to tell me what? If it is so unhealthy, why are industrial generators allowed to be used where employees are exposed to ozone? You also failed to address that ozone occurs naturally and is all around us. Ozone also kills bacteria, mold and other dangerous organisms that are unhealthy.

So rather than you and I going back and forth in circles as you stated, drop it and let the OP decide? Many people use ozone generators and they aren't wheezing and gasping for air. You might also want to stay out of hospitals, motels, some restaraunts, etc, because they all use generated ozone.... You made your point, it can be unhealthy in higher concentrations.... consumer units aren't going to put out levels to bodily harm. If you do feel the need to reply, please give me something in detail other than your EPA link. Let's debate it from our own minds... I've done the research and I end up in these discussions all the time. I have tons of bookmarks and materials relative to the safe use of ozone.

@serapis: We could go back and forth all day, but I really don't feel like doing that. I don't think you realize it, but your 1st reply actually supports my statement that ozone is unhealthy. Kinda going in circles, huh?


Well-Known Member
So rather than you and I going back and forth in circles as you stated, drop it and let the OP decide?
Ummm, already did..............

Edit: there's lots of things sold in the US that are bad for you. Ex - cigarettes. Think about it.....


Well-Known Member
Ozone is definately unhealthy. Benzine and hexane are both unhealthy and yet they use it in the food industry - this doesn't mean it suddenly isn't unhealthy. OSHA minimizes health risks they don't ban everyone from everything that presents a health risk. Long term exposure to bleach is unhealthy too, same with oven cleaner. Ozone neutralizes odors by oxidizing them. Ozone too will oxidize the inside of your lungs which is a bad thing.

Did you know that riding in a plane exposes you to over 10x as much radiation as an x-ray? Guess what...we are still allowed to fly even though it is unhealthy.

Ozone isn't going to kill you right away but there is no way you can claim that it isn't unhealthy - do the smallest bit of research as to how it works in deodorizing and sterilizing and you would know this.

Or just ask a doctor/chemist...


Active Member
f the ozone get a decent extractor and carbon filter if you want to kill smell and be safe get a extractor and a filter that are too big for your room eg: if your room need a 450 cfm fan get a 800cfm fan and filter to match and smell should not be a problem. the ozone is dangerous its as simple as that


Well-Known Member
i really don't care if it dangerous or not, it is in my garage, i want to know how much i need to spend on one that will work as a secondary measure.


Well-Known Member
And how many of you smoke cigarettes? ;)
My favorite is ozone generators in combination with lead paint. Can anyone say lead sulfate in your lungs?

Are we saying cigarettes aren't bad for you?

I'm running UV in my tent though so who am I to talk? :)


Active Member
I keep my cap ozonegenerator 5500sqft on 24/7 Inside my duct work right above my grow closet. Now the exhaust of the unit is pointed to the attic. I can't smell anything outside or inside unless I get my nose on the buds. So they work, just dont have on 24/7 Inside any room you plan on stayin in. Put it on a timer.


Well-Known Member
IDK everyone. Every single person I've ever known that use O-G's have a chronic cough. I won't even go to peoples homes anymore that use either the Ionic Breeze air purifiers or Orek table top air purifiers because I kept getting a scratchy feeling in my throat whenever I'm there. That's just me though.


Well-Known Member
I know that you don't know me, but um, I don't have a chronic cough at all... neither do my pets or my roommies.... I guess we are just some of the lucky few?

IDK everyone. Every single person I've ever known that use O-G's have a chronic cough. I won't even go to peoples homes anymore that use either the Ionic Breeze air purifiers or Orek table top air purifiers because I kept getting a scratchy feeling in my throat whenever I'm there. That's just me though.


Well-Known Member
I know that you don't know me, but um, I don't have a chronic cough at all... neither do my pets or my roommies.... I guess we are just some of the lucky few?
Maybe, but I doubt it. Most likely you simply may not recognize the symptoms of respiratory distress.
With all due respect, it might be best give it up. The arguments you're providing aren't convincing anyone that ozone isn't harmful. Yeah sure ozone is still used many places, but that doesn't mean it's healthy to be exposed to, especially long term. Remember how people used to think exposure to asbestos wasn't harmful to a persons health? Or thought low level exposure was OK?
Case closed.


Active Member
Q: Is ozone dangerous?
A: Yes

Q: Do these generators produce it a level that is even close to dangerous?
A: No

Q: Is electricity dangerous?
A: Yes

Q: Do we ALL use electricity in our grows?
A: Yes

I work as an engineer at a company that designs and manufactures chemical and pollution testing equipment. We use ozone to destroy all toxic gas after testing in our gas analyzers. Im talking about the most corrosive acids and chemicals in the world and when you expose it to high concentration ozone the ozone eats it alive and leaves only its harmless counterparts behind. this being said the ozone can then be diluted and expelled into the atmosphere with no ill side effects that the other gases would have caused. In short ozone in high concentrations ozone "WILL" eat out your lungs but used properly it is perfectly safe.