Ozone in a grow room bad?


Well-Known Member
I asked a hydro guy if this was ok, and he strongly recommended placing it outside of the grow room and have it come in with the intake.
I know Al.B Fuct has one up in his room.
Anyone else have any thing to say bout this?


Well-Known Member
no brother, im talking about ozone, O3, not Co2
i know too much can be lethal for living things, but i thought it could be kept inside the room on a timer. Al B has one, and i wish i knew what page to go look for in his thread for reference, but its so goddamn big.
it would be difficult to place it outside the room, i was hoping i could have inside, maybe run for 5 min or so as needed.
anyone with experience here?


Well-Known Member
odor, mold and stuff, yes.
muggy moldy basement, i think it would do good there.
i dont know how long to keep it on yet, but i thought something like on 5, off 30. Or whatever it takes.


Well-Known Member
Ozone while being dangerous to living things is one of the best forms of odor control. IT ONLY BECOMES DANGEROUS WHEN IT BUILDS UP TO CONCENTRATED LEVELS.

feel free to use it in your grow room for odor control as long as you have proper air circulation and ventilation. example, my grow room has a window air conditioning unit in the window bringing air in 24/7 to keep the temps down and supply my plants with fresh co2, i have two oscillating fans but am only using one at the moment in the room to move the ozone around so it gets all the odor and move around the co2 at the same time. I also have a fan in the window across the room taking air out so there is a constant flow of air being brought in and taken out and circulated around the room. im using the capt 1 ozone generator its 140 dollars and completely ELIMINATES all smell in my 10 ft by 12 foot flowering room.

To give you an idea on how dangerous ozone generators are---
there are common household ozone generators that you can plug into outlets to cover smells for 1000 square feet that pose no threat to anything living. the larger one i use covers 5500 square feet and requires a small amount of air movement to disperse it and remain safe but it is meant for indoor use in residential homes. the real dangerous ozone generators are the industrial sized ones that can cover up to 20000 square feet and are made to de odorize (yeah i make up my own words) entire buildings for renovations etc

As for starving your plants for co2 this is not necessarily true unless you have little to no airflow, o3 contains an extra atom which when it meets odor unbinds itself from the ozone and then attaches itself to the odor. when this happens the odor is destroyed and the ozone becomes either co2 or oxygen.

for reference this is the one i use and i couldnt be happier
go to this link http://www.businesslights.com/air-purification-c-391.html then click the cpt1 ozone generator 5500 square foot model

any questions regarding any of this dont hesitate to send me a private message

In short ozone generators are wonderful odor control with proper air flow.
any+ rep appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
ps if you dont have all the ventilation/circulation or a large scale grow like i do this one is actually powerful enough you can run it on and off in intervals but since i can i like to run it all the time because my air vents out my window into an allyway which leads to the back door of my building and i dont want anyone who happens to be walking by a catch a wiff of my ladies

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
not a good choice for mold. i think a sulphur burner would be better. for odor control, there is nothing better than a quality carbon filter.