Ozoning water? Should I be doing this?


Well-Known Member
I have means to run ozone through my tapwater. Should I be doing this to my water before putting it my DWC's? Will it do anything to better the water quality for the plants? (~230ppm.5/7.2pH)


Active Member
I wouldn't. Seems counter productive. Just use filtered water, like an inexpensive RO filter. Ozone is very powerful and could really screw some stuff up, including yourself. If you wanted to get all nerdy, you could use it to purify your supply water if you had something to keep the the ozone below maximum safe levels. That usually involves something called a redox potential controller and a lot of carbon filtration to make sure sure the ozone is neutralized. Serious overkill. These are used on upper-end marine reef tank systems. Ozone will quickly destroy any plastic it comes in contact with. And it can cause all kinds of negative side effects like deafness, hairy palms :), and god knows what else. Go to a marine fish store and price-out a cheap RO filter. You don't need one that makes 90 gallons/day. RO filters do waste a lot of water (9/10's). So if you could reuse the rejected water on a lawn, or something more creative, you'd have a win-win situation.

I have means to run ozone through my tapwater. Should I be doing this to my water before putting it my DWC's? Will it do anything to better the water quality for the plants? (~230ppm.5/7.2pH)