P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
quick question so your trying to breed a low yielding plant? just curious if I read that right as that would be a first for me to hear lol..interesting though


Well-Known Member
So far so good no signs of any transplant stress at all and the plant seems to be loving its new home.
All of those holes in the sides of the pot will allow the soil to be constantly aerated and the water crystals will allow me to water less.

I wont be putting an air pump on the other basket,just that one to see how the weed compares to the plant in the pumpless basket.
I am hoping that the holes in the baskets will be enough,if they are noticeably different i will buy one large pump and a splitter for the next grow:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
All is going well.
The main plant seems to be loving its new basket and is is spreading out nicely.
I have a good vibe about growing in these holey(:mrgreen:)baskets.

No signs of stress at all from the transplant and i am sure that having air pumped in directly under the rootball is going to work a treat and i think that even 24 hours in this basket has made a great difference.

I have moved all suspected males to the worst lit positions and all suspected females to the best.

The camera technique seems to have worked with all of the plants that had the most immature tric spots so far turning out to be females.
I have confirmed so far 2 males and 3 females.

Enjoy the pics.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Hey nat....I am really curious to see what your roots do when they reach the edge of that pot and all the holes. Roots seek out their boundaries and I am wondering if they will know their boundary in that pot. I suspect not and they will start coming out of the pot. It'll be very interesting to see what they do anyway and should be quite telling about the behaviour of roots.

What are your thoughts on this??


Well-Known Member
Hey nat....I am really curious to see what your roots do when they reach the edge of that pot and all the holes. Roots seek out their boundaries and I am wondering if they will know their boundary in that pot. I suspect not and they will start coming out of the pot. It'll be very interesting to see what they do anyway and should be quite telling about the behaviour of roots.

What are your thoughts on this??


Well-Known Member
hey Nat...looks good. what a wonderful collection of growing you have....looking very good indeed. I like the idea of the basket....I would think it will imrpove plant performance....

regarding roots and the holes...my clones which are in pots with the holes in the edge of the bottom. The roots have poked out but retreat......I have not seen this to be a problem?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for taking a look and comments guys,it is appreciated.
I am going with the thinking that all though the roots will eventually expose themselves through the holes as soon as they are exposed to the intense light they will grow very slowly indeed on the outside of the basket.

If anything the light will show them their boundaries and the roots that do come through will hopefully turn hard and collect a bit more oxygen or do nothing at all once the tips are exposed or as tahoe said they may well just retreat.

Yes the area is packed at the moment but i am sure i have at least 7 males in that lot so they will be culled and the best male will be boxed.
All runt females will be moved around the area and just left to grow me a few smokes with all of my maximum efforts going into the 2 main plants.

Eventually there will be 2 baskets under the 400 watt hps.

The baskets allow for maximum air and maximum drainage,the main downfalls of soil are lack of drainage and lack of air.
I have tried to eliminate those problems.
Stay tuned to see if it works or if i end up gutted:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I love it im gunna try it on some of my newly g-nated seeds tommorow man!!

smart u are..:) i like it anddd....

yes i kno my nutes problem is takin care of itself at the moment haha .. i added the nutes the container said for "vigerous, fast growing growth" haha and i guess it was totally stupid for me to add that much in their already hah but evrything checks out ..PH is good.. 6.6 ..temp is good .. 74 grea.t. hmmm foods here!!! bbl lol bye bye!

GOOOO PATS!!!!!!! 36-21 W over the Giants hehe :)


Well-Known Member
I love it im gunna try it on some of my newly g-nated seeds tommorow man!!

smart u are..:) i like it anddd....

yes i kno my nutes problem is takin care of itself at the moment haha .. i added the nutes the container said for "vigerous, fast growing growth" haha and i guess it was totally stupid for me to add that much in their already hah but evrything checks out ..PH is good.. 6.6 ..temp is good .. 74 grea.t. hmmm foods here!!! bbl lol bye bye!

GOOOO PATS!!!!!!! 36-21 W over the Giants hehe :)
Yeah i tip burnt most of my plants by trying new nutes out on them a week or so ago.
Thanks for the compliments.
Hopefully this technique will give people who only want to use soil an extra boost:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey nat

20 tops on 1 girl

My 18 heads plant is growing balls unfortunately but i will save its pollen as its strong and looked good and responded well to fimming and has a lot of tric spots on the leaves.
The one in the main basket has only 14 tops but that will do:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok i can confirm that the camera technique for checking trics to determine sex does not work very well if at all.
One plant that i thought would definitely be a female because of its immature tric spots is growing balls.
I am happy though as i will use it to breed with as it will obviously be very strong.

Everything else goes well though my "first to show" female plant loves the air basket and is responding nicely.
Not much else to tell really so heres some pics to make it less boring:blsmoke::peace::joint:

Male plant.
Looks good though for a male.

And the rest of the bunch and some close ups on the main female.



Well-Known Member
Damn 7,217 views in 5 weeks and about 4 people that comment:mrgreen:
Anyone would think that people come in look at my stuff but don't comment for some kind of reason or another:mrgreen:
Photobucket complaining at me for using 25gig of bandwith,hilarious ;)


Well-Known Member
Damn 7,217 views in 5 weeks and about 4 people that comment:mrgreen:
Anyone would think that people come in look at my stuff but don't comment for some kind of reason or another:mrgreen:
Photobucket complaining at me for using 25gig of bandwith,hilarious ;)
Yeah man...a lot of people just watch and follow progress without comments I find. If you put a picture of a hot chick in your avatar, this really seems to help with the comments :mrgreen: Or fat bud pics are quite a draw as well :blsmoke:

Looking good and healthy though Nat....keep it going!


Well-Known Member
Yeah man...a lot of people just watch and follow progress without comments I find. If you put a picture of a hot chick in your avatar, this really seems to help with the comments :mrgreen: Or fat bud pics are quite a draw as well :blsmoke:

Looking good and healthy though Nat....keep it going!
Yeah i just cant bring myself to pretend to be a women:mrgreen:
Just surprises me how many views we get and how little comments.
Not even any haters:mrgreen:

My fat buds will follow soon.
Thanks for checking in snowhite,it is appreciated:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah, can't wait for those buds man. Your girl in that net pot is going to be BEAUTIFUL!

btw...you just trying the one net pot this time, or have you got another one to setup??