P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)


Active Member
can seeds get old? i have about 14 seeds from a cross between blueberry and wonderbud and theyre about 2 or 3 yrs old will they still germinate?


Well-Known Member
seriously impressed. ive fimmed a couple now to test out the technique and got some air baskets on the way.. was just out back eyeballing my air compressor --- hrmm

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Hey hole thanks man for all of your support and for your cool comments all the way through.
I haven't been at any other sites just really busy with my other life lol:mrgreen:
So i wont be leaving mate.

I smoked some that i cut off a week or so ago and its very strong but to be honest i don't much like the flavour but that is probably because i have been spoilt for choice with my favourite all time pppxblueberry pure.
In my eyes and taste buds i haven't made anything better yet.

The plant is huge and i did gain more crystals by using the pppxblue as its mother and the sativa as the father but it just hasn't got that sweetness that i desire,slightly sour taste to it,funky fruity pineapple mixed with lemons kind of smell.

I know that some people prefer this kind of weed flavour though so maybe its just me,definitely has messed my head up and i can only assume that it will get better when its been properly dried and cured.
Missis likes it though as she is bored with smoking the other stuff.

Anyway dude glad you enjoyed the trip and the pics,missis has allowed me to take some pics of her tits out with my plant but i don't know after the recent nudity arguments if people want to see them or not:mrgreen:

Thanks again hole:peace::joint:
We are guys, most of us any way! We want to see the tits on every girl nat!
especialy tits and buds!
Those buds look scrumdilyisous nat! Keep up the good work so we can all learn to make awsome buds like those!:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
We want to see the tits on every girl nat!
i know, what a tease with that pic.....:cry:

can you pm me with a pic of the uncensored one?:mrgreen:

they looked so nice:hump:

edit- every one on here is supposed to be 18 plus+ im sure everyone on here has seen T&A, so lets see'em... hehe


Well-Known Member
really good looking buds.
great job.
havent been around for a while and god is they a big diff.
i chopped an ice plant yesterday, had a quick dried sample and it was good.
about 1 1/2 oz.


Well-Known Member
Ok people heres the latest shots of the bud i got from the airbasket plant.
It is partially dry now and i have chopped it up into pieces to get fully dry and weigh it.

I have weighed it partially dry and its 481 grams.
I expect i will lose probably another 100 grams at the most by the time its fully dry.

I have taken a load of close ups so you can see how many trics are on it and so you can judge for yourselves how dry you think it is.
Stinks like spicy fruity pineapple lemons really,very sticky.
Personally i prefer the pure pppxblueberry but this stuff is fine enough and very strong.
Mashed me up in the brain and stoned me up as well:joint:

Enjoy the pics and thanks to all previous commenter's for supporting me and my journal.
I will do some more HD shots when the bud is properly dry.:peace::joint:



Well-Known Member
fucking awesome mate, some fine growing skills u have. and 481g, omg lol. how many other plants u got going, 4/5 right? great work, keep it up