Pacific NorthWest 400W Solar Storm 4 TGA & 2 Unknown Bag seeds Plus veggies

Tar Mac

I was lucky enough to get a hold of some Qrazy train myself about 2 wks ago with hues of purple the taste amazing =) so i'm more then excited about my 2 I have growing.

At moment Im building up my tga stock as well =)

I got up extra early this morning and can you guess what I was doing....?


Yup I went ahead and topped all the ladies at the same time the only thing that will change is the type of method Ill use with each plant from this point on. I will shoot for a wks of recovery then decide if some will be re-potted into grow bags wit the tomatoes cages and some left in the cups and makes hole around the edge for my soft ties
all will have the same soil mix and amendments, compost tea mix.

I guess pictures right? =)

Sb # 0 topped at wk 5 with leaves trimmed back
Wk 5 Sb #0 Topped.jpg

Sb#00 Topped at wk 5
Wk 5 Sb #00 Topped.jpg

The TGA girls

Deep Purple Wk 5 topped
Wk 5 Deep Purple Topped.jpg

Qrazy Train #2 Topped at Wk 5 leaf sets trimmed back
Wk 5 Qrazy Train #2 Topped.jpg

Qrazy Train # 1 Topped at Wk 5 with a leaf sets trimmed
Wk 5 Qray Train #1 Topped.jpg
enjoy [=

Tar Mac

Just a quick update Ill post more picture tomorrow after I give the girls a compost tea feed for now Ill show you the types of nutrients I'll be using through out the grow
Nutrient LineUp.jpg

Tar Mac

In the last compost tea feed it was more like a test run, my first time using compost tea. In my first run I only ran it for about 10 hrs and it was made of one cup of ocean forest with half a cup of that was left over from the transplant with about a half a teaspoon of boogie brix and just a little bit of some excelerite.

This 2nd run was a 22 hr brew
Boogie Brew.jpg
after I was done feeding the ladies
made from boogie brew, 2 cups of ocean forest, boogie worm casting, half a teaspoon of sea-90, boogie humus, and boogie brix

All the canna ladies were topped at the same time all showed good responds But Sb #00 slow to show new growth
So 4 out of 5 are under LST at the moment and as the week progress Ill start to lst the new growth
Sb #0
Wk Sb #0.jpg

Sb #00 Non-LST
Wk Sb#00.jpg

TGA collection

Qrazy Train # 2
Wk Qrazy Train #2.jpg

Qrazy Train #1
Wk Qrazy Train #1.jpg

Deep Purple
Wk Deep Purple.jpg

Now My only jalapeno was attack by the local chicken so i tried to germinate 4 of a different strain called early jalapeno
Wk Early Jalapeno seeding.jpg
2 have sprouted after 3 days

heres the original jalapeno in wk 7 making great recovery progress
Wk Jalapeno.jpg

My Bougainvillea after its fish meal and dr. earth soil top dressing
After Fish meal Bougainvillea.jpg
I couldn't up load all of my pictures and ran out of time. I'll post the rest later maybe its just group pictures
but for now enjou =]

Tar Mac

hey there :mrgreen::mrgreen: just a quick update a few days ago I bought teaming with microbes and wow great info I was gonna get somas book or another top breeder book like dj short but then I thought i was really learn the real basic of soil before trying someone else growing style. but any how

like the last batch but I also added some of fish and kelp wk 4 with the new soil so food supplies are going to run short if not already like in ocean forest 3 wks
3rd Compost tea batch.jpg

"Early Jalapeno" 2 of 3
Wk (1) early jalapeno.jpg

My original veggie girl Jalapeno in wk 7 1 /2
Wk 7 Jalapeno.jpg

My Bougainvillea :mrgreen:
WK 7 bougainvillea.jpg
All canna ladies under some sort of LST

Sb #0
Wk 7 Sb #0.jpg

Sb #00
Wk 7 Sb #00.jpg

The TGA girls

Qrazy Train #2
Wk 7 Qrazy Train #2.jpg

Qrazy Train #1
Wk 7 Qrazy Train #1.jpg

Deep Purple
Wk 7 Deep Purple.jpg

I left out the 3rd early jalapeno and the dwarf habanero
enjoy :mrgreen: