Packet seeds, first grow in PC case


Well-Known Member
They're looking good for now. Keep tending to them, but like Fonz said, don't go crazy. I almost killed my first two kids when they were that size because of stupid stuff like overwater.


Well-Known Member
They look like their getting too much water or too much heat.
The leaves should perk and SLIGHTLY turn upward. Your bottom leaves look a bit droopy.

Check the temps near the top of the plant and make sure you let the pot get a bit dry before watering.


Well-Known Member
Hey man i would say you got yourself a good set up with this pc case. I grew a strain called Ice with only 1x23w bulb and the other one was 45w and i got a nice plant.

Keep taking care of them and try not to let the heat go crazy inside the case, i know i had that problem maintaining a constant average of heat.

Also i suggest you go flower after the third week because they take off during flowering. You definitely can get like 10 grams if you do the right techniques (unfortunately that is not my area)

BTW i like what you did with the humidifier that's an awesome idea.

For my next grow i plan to use a tower pc box and i have a ufo 90 watt grow light. It doesnt heat up and wont make your bill go up. I heard they are the same as a 400w hps bulb but i dont really know if that is true.

Good luck with your grow bro, its always great to smoke your own grown herb.


They look like their getting too much water or too much heat.
The leaves should perk and SLIGHTLY turn upward. Your bottom leaves look a bit droopy.

Check the temps near the top of the plant and make sure you let the pot get a bit dry before watering.
I'v waited till the 4th day for the soil to get really dry, and these pots should let all the excess water drain, so overwatering shouldn't have happened. Too much heat might be a problem, the max temperature is about 85F, I often leave the side of the case open for venting.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering could be caused by a mix not aerated enough and not only by actually watering too often.
With your method it should be pretty easy to lift the pots - just check if they are heavy. (the more water they hold the higher the weight)

85°F is great.


I've modified the LST, so my babies can equally spread out in all directions.
Emily is on the left and Naomi is on the right.


They seem to be alright, no stretching at all, the LST and the CFLs being up close did the magic. I fimmed them 2 times, and it worked like a charm. I watered them today, the soil was really dry, I checked multiple times. Whats next?


When should I start flowering them?