Packing blunts

I just can't do Windows for some reason.. I like the simplicity of Mac. Everything I have is Apple, and they all mirror each other, So when I get a text, phone call, etc. they show up on my iPhone, iPad, Mac. Im just adjusted I guess.


I kinda need Vimeo Pro... 20G of upload a week. I do weddings, funerals (believe it or not), and Commercial Property, Lawsuits over land breaches (done by drone)... I think it's like $249 a year or something like that.
I grew up building my own and using Basic Language OS's like DOS, which is the base program running behind Windows. The first Window's OS's always messed shit up with the updates. I liked XP best of all since it gave the user lots of control. Too bad the days of pirated Windows is coming to an end, :lol:
Yeah If you're using it for work then that makes sense. I looked at prices a few months ago and none of the plans were worth it for basically just uploading plant videos to post on here. I've mostly been using Instagram, but that comes at the risk of the page getting randomly nuked by the powers that be.
Yeah.. that's all you really need man. I think Vimeo has a free (but small upload limit)... I'll have to look and see.
Production and editing is what what my daughter does in NYC. She used to work for Now This News and now works for a company that makes online classes for universities mostly.
Cool!.. that's where all of my raw footage for PBS went to. The Documentary ran at the Sundance Film Festival, and here in OKC. I got to meet the man the Doc was about, and sat beside him during the premier. It was cool. Quick funny story....
The film director took me out to location (in the middle of nowhere) where this guy grew up as a Kiowa Indian kid. We were at his old homestead. This was in July... he says "Ideally I'd like a shot with an approaching storm"... im thinking "this is Oklahoma, storm season is over!! impossible".... so a few days later I tracked an hour an a half away to get the homestead footage. It was a nice sunny day. I call my buddy who lives halfway to my jobsite and asked if he wanted to come along. He's terrified of storms. He said "No fucking way man!.. there's a squaw line coming!!".... I looked at the radar on my iPhone, and sure enough.... a fucking killer storm was coming, and I didn't know if I was gonna make it in time. Hauling ass, I got to the site, set up my drone, did a very quick pre-flight check, and got in the air and started shooting... I never hit stop recording because I knew I had just a couple of min before this thing hit.... it was fucking brilliant! I got shots of the homestead, a wall cloud in the background, lighting, I got it all!!!!! As soon as I got on the ground and the drone in the truck, it hit. I was driving sideways for about 8 miles till I could get ahead of it...... adrenaline level... 11.
I just can't do Windows for some reason.. I like the simplicity of Mac. Everything I have is Apple, and they all mirror each other, So when I get a text, phone call, etc. they show up on my iPhone, iPad, Mac. Im just adjusted I guess.


I kinda need Vimeo Pro... 20G of upload a week. I do weddings, funerals (believe it or not), and Commercial Property, Lawsuits over land breaches (done by drone)... I think it's like $249 a year or something like that.
You should try building a better system cheaper and load with Ubuntu. Its similar to Apple interfaces in a lot of ways. Apple just kind of locks everything down
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Could be faster.. 16G ram. I'd like a 32, or 64..... Xmas is coming up:rolleyes:

I used to do quite a bit of video editing back in the day when I was a Multimedia Designer making training videos. That was the job title. I'm not much of a designer. I have no artistic creativity which is why I went into IT. I'm more analytical.

You can't have too much RAM or too many monitors. I'm going to rearrange my office and I'm thinking about adding 3 more above the three I already have and double the 6 sq ft of real estate to 12. The lady thinks I'm crazy and I'm not disagreeing. :mrgreen:

I used to do quite a bit of video editing back in the day when I was a Multimedia Designer making training videos. That was the job title. I'm not much of a designer. I have no artistic creativity which is why I went into IT. I'm more analytical.

You can't have too much RAM or too many monitors. I'm going to rearrange my office and I'm thinking about adding 3 more above the three I already have and double the 6 sq ft of real estate to 12. The lady thinks I'm crazy and I'm not disagreeing. :mrgreen:

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3D porn.
I used to do quite a bit of video editing back in the day when I was a Multimedia Designer making training videos. That was the job title. I'm not much of a designer. I have no artistic creativity which is why I went into IT. I'm more analytical.

You can't have too much RAM or too many monitors. I'm going to rearrange my office and I'm thinking about adding 3 more above the three I already have and double the 6 sq ft of real estate to 12. The lady thinks I'm crazy and I'm not disagreeing. :mrgreen:

View attachment 5232832
Forgiveness is easier than permission..... just sayin' :rolleyes:
I used to do quite a bit of video editing back in the day when I was a Multimedia Designer making training videos. That was the job title. I'm not much of a designer. I have no artistic creativity which is why I went into IT. I'm more analytical.

You can't have too much RAM or too many monitors. I'm going to rearrange my office and I'm thinking about adding 3 more above the three I already have and double the 6 sq ft of real estate to 12. The lady thinks I'm crazy and I'm not disagreeing. :mrgreen:

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Man... we have been looking for a good desk for Paige since she works from home for a renewable energy company now.. she's been working with these foldable janky ass tables for a couple of months now. She saw an ad for a Lawyers desk on FB marketplace that has the dual pull out writing tables and stuff. I asked how much? $30. So we loaded up to go pick it up. Turns out this lady didn't know what she had. It's a mid century Alma that I knew nothing about. It was rough, but I spent a few days sanding it down and refinishing it.. threw my back out in the process, but it turned out pretty nice... heavy AF!.. looked it up online, and they sell for $1995.00 !!

Ya'll Be Sleeping On My Boy "Double A"...
@DoubleAtotheRON ...Whats Goodie?
How did that Anesia cross Smoke???
Did You burn Any?
Can We Get a Lite Smoke Report...:bigjoint:

@xtsho ...
I see You with The Commodities TradeDesk...Triple View
How much You making trading futures...:P
Out Here Gettin Series 3 FINRA Money...:hump:

Double A...
Im coming to OKC...
I been studying Your Market...
Cap. Hill looks like They Have some 'Smoke Nice Flower'...
Uptown is where ALL the shops are though...
You guys have a BULLs EYE Price Point...I think its FORD TUFF...
I mean, 'Street Tax' can support $80 -$620 on every Oz.
But, Dont Let Cali Fool You though...
Vegas, Them Boyz DEMANDING $80- $100 a 3.5g on The Strip...

Im over here Watching LMC...@HD
I was Right, Craigslist Used to The UnderGround Clone Hub...& WA. went lights out during The Trump Admin. Too

Im building The full picture as I soak Up this UnderGround Inside Info...
Once Im done, I Think I Can Get The Streets to be PRO-active & start helping The UnderGround take The Plant BACK...
Ya'll Be Sleeping On My Boy "Double A"...
@DoubleAtotheRON ...Whats Goodie?
How did that Anesia cross Smoke???
Did You burn Any?
Can We Get a Lite Smoke Report...:bigjoint:

@xtsho ...
I see You with The Commodities TradeDesk...Triple View
How much You making trading futures...:P
Out Here Gettin Series 3 FINRA Money...:hump:

Double A...
Im coming to OKC...
I been studying Your Market...
Cap. Hill looks like They Have some 'Smoke Nice Flower'...
Uptown is where ALL the shops are though...
You guys have a BULLs EYE Price Point...I think its FORD TUFF...
I mean, 'Street Tax' can support $80 -$620 on every Oz.
But, Dont Let Cali Fool You though...
Vegas, Them Boyz DEMANDING $80- $100 a 3.5g on The Strip...

Im over here Watching LMC...@HD
I was Right, Craigslist Used to The UnderGround Clone Hub...& WA. went lights out during The Trump Admin. Too

Im building The full picture as I soak Up this UnderGround Inside Info...
Once Im done, I Think I Can Get The Streets to be PRO-active & start helping The UnderGround take The Plant BACK...
Smoke is 2 strains.. the Mrs. likes to have it combined tho. After a month of cure, it's very smooth. Hints of berry for sure. Both have a very good nose, and will stink up your house after burping a few 1 gallon containers. Future Island is a goofy head high, good for conversation. DankBerry is a good body stone.. good for watching Adult Swim.. on a side note, our market sucks. Legal or BM, it sucks all the way around. You can't hardly give it away.
I made this around 8 years ago.
Huh? You edited Back to the Future and Teen Wolf? LOL
Pretty good.

I sure wish I could edit and clip like that. I'd like to mute
some audio on a vid I shot a few years ago, and have yet
to be able to find software that I could figure out how. :(
Is it this model: Cuisinart SG-10 Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder, Stainless/Black $39.95, or which?
Yes sir.. the SG-10. The good thing about this little pulse grinder, is that it has a rubber lid on the grinder.. plus the cover. If I have a little left from like tonight, I can just throw a small BVD pack in there, and close the lid till tomorrow, or whenever... I think I packed 10 cones tonight, and had a little left over. Very easy to clean with ISO. Only thing you have to remember is to NEVER put your fingers inside the stainless steel grinder unless it is unplugged, or you have the grinder bowl dismounted from the base. Otherwise, just peel your bud apart from the stem and toss it in. Give it a few quick pulses, and you're done!
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