Ya'll Be Sleeping On My Boy "Double A"...
@DoubleAtotheRON ...Whats Goodie?
How did that Anesia cross Smoke???
Did You burn Any?
Can We Get a Lite Smoke Report...
@xtsho ...
I see You with The Commodities TradeDesk...Triple View
How much You making trading futures...

Out Here Gettin Series 3 FINRA Money...
Double A...
Im coming to OKC...
I been studying Your Market...
Cap. Hill looks like They Have some 'Smoke Nice Flower'...
Uptown is where ALL the shops are though...
You guys have a BULLs EYE Price Point...I think its FORD TUFF...
I mean, 'Street Tax' can support $80 -$620 on every Oz.
But, Dont Let Cali Fool You though...
Vegas, Them Boyz DEMANDING $80- $100 a
3.5g on The Strip...
Im over here Watching LMC...@HD
I was Right, Craigslist Used to The UnderGround Clone Hub...& WA. went lights out during The Trump Admin. Too
Im building The full picture as I soak Up this UnderGround Inside Info...
Once Im done, I Think I Can Get The Streets to be PRO-active & start helping The UnderGround take The Plant BACK...