Packing blunts

Shitty thing is smoking weed can give you cancer too.

Yeah damn combustion creating all them tasty carcinogens. I have cut back a lot on how much I smoke so hopefully my risks of cancer are low cause my family has a history of cancer.

So can too much wine... but here I am. ... rollin' that dice.

True that lol probably the most overlooked carcinogen there is.
An interesting study I dug up says smoking & drinking actually greatly multiplies risks of certain types of cancers.
True... until they lift it Federally. Everybody that's tried my stock had said that it's the best weed they've ever had. Wished I could share that outside of my home State. Its true Craft weed.. and people around here just want $50 zips... trash. I can make trash all day long, but its not worth it.

Once it's lifted federally and can cross state lines you'd be competing with the million pound surplus just coming from Oregon. There's also Washington, Colorado, and California and I don't know how much those states have in surplus. Plus they get bragging rights being West Coast and all. I'm sure your weed is great but "Grown in Oklahoma" doesn't carry the historical appeal as top quality that the West coast has had for decades. You're already at a marketing disadvantage.
It really sucks when out of State Dispos' need good product, and will pay a great price, but here on my turf, they aint paying nothing.... even if you got fire.

Sounds like Oklahoma to me. I'm in Michigan our market is shifting finally. People aren't buying the mass produced stuff anymore here really. If the price is less than $1,000-$1,200 lb no one will touch it and obviously the weed has to be pretty good to get $1,000-1,200 a pound in the current market.

Outdoor here is going for as low as $100/lb this year where last year people were getting upwards of $500-600/lb.

Hopefully things change wherever your at, not sure if its the same scenario there but here its like PGR & poison sprayed mass indoor or craft indoor. No one cares for the cheap shit anymore cause it doesn't even barely get you high unless you smoke stogies of it.

I love hearing feedback from people who were paying $80-100/oz at the dispensary when they say they think they were being sold CBD weed.
Sounds like Oklahoma to me. I'm in Michigan our market is shifting finally. People aren't buying the mass produced stuff anymore here really. If the price is less than $1,000-$1,200 lb no one will touch it and obviously the weed has to be pretty good to get $1,000-1,200 a pound in the current market.

Outdoor here is going for as low as $100/lb this year where last year people were getting upwards of $500-600/lb.

Hopefully things change wherever your at, not sure if its the same scenario there but here its like PGR & poison sprayed mass indoor or craft indoor. No one cares for the cheap shit anymore cause it doesn't even barely get you high unless you smoke stogies of it.

I love hearing feedback from people who were paying $80-100/oz at the dispensary when they say they think they were being sold CBD weed.
Sounds similar... However, I really don't care anymore. Even if the market came back up to $2000 lbs, I'm over it. But I don't see that happening. We still have over 7400 registered grow ops here. Was at 9800+ at one point.
Once it's lifted federally and can cross state lines you'd be competing with the million pound surplus just coming from Oregon. There's also Washington, Colorado, and California and I don't know how much those states have in surplus. Plus they get bragging rights being West Coast and all. I'm sure your weed is great but "Grown in Oklahoma" doesn't carry the historical appeal as top quality that the West coast has had for decades. You're already at a marketing disadvantage.
You have a point.... we're just stereotyped as a bunch of rednecks.
Wine contains alcohol.

"Alcohol use is one of the most important preventable risk factors for cancer, along with tobacco use and excess body weight. Alcohol use accounts for about 6% of all cancers and 4% of all cancer deaths in the United States. Yet many people don’t know about the link between alcohol use and cancer."

I know about the alcohol thing. That's why I mentioned the alcohol part, :bigjoint:. My point was that it's the healthiest of all the alcohols and there's some good stuff in it too. I don't think it would ever cause cancer if you only had a glass or two a day. It's probably actually healthy to have 1 or 2 a day.

I get it though. Alcohol damages internal organs and the more you damage a part of your body, the more it has to heal itself, so more chance of mutations like cancer.

This is my just stoner way of thinking though, :lol:

I haven't heard a confirmed study or case yet.
Smoking anything can cause cancer.
That's not the case but stereotypes are hard to break.

You could use that to your advantage. Process it all into blunts and call them Redneck Twisties. Put a tornado on some shiny packaging. Dispos probably wouldn't be able to keep them in stock.
I like it!.. WallCloud, Twister, F5, Vortex, Area of Rotation, SquawLine, Tornado Warning, Seek Shelter, Flash Flood.... pretty brilliant actually!
Yeah damn combustion creating all them tasty carcinogens. I have cut back a lot on how much I smoke so hopefully my risks of cancer are low cause my family has a history of cancer.

True that lol probably the most overlooked carcinogen there is.
An interesting study I dug up says smoking & drinking actually greatly multiplies risks of certain types of cancers.
Same here. On both sides. My dad had part of his mouth removed and has a denture like thing for the bottom of his mouth. That could have been caused partially by Agent Orange, but it's all over in my family.

I quit smoking cigs finally almost 2 years ago I think now. And I was vaping every time. But I've been bad and smoking though a pipe again lately. I just turned one of my vapes back on though. So I'm gonna try to get back into vaping instead. The lungs can feel it.
Same here. On both sides. My dad had part of his mouth removed and has a denture like thing for the bottom of his mouth. That could have been caused partially by Agent Orange, but it's all over in my family.

I quit smoking cigs finally almost 2 years ago I think now. And I was vaping every time. But I've been bad and smoking though a pipe again lately. I just turned one of my vapes back on though. So I'm gonna try to get back into vaping instead. The lungs can feel it.
I smoked cigs from like 85'-99'.. quit for 10 years, went through a divorce, started smoking cigs again for about 10 months, then got on the vape.. been on it for about 12 years now, and haven't noticed anything different in the lungs... only on 2mg nicotine.
I smoked cigs from like 85'-99'.. quit for 10 years, went through a divorce, started smoking cigs again for about 10 months, then got on the vape.. been on it for about 12 years now, and haven't noticed anything different in the lungs... only on 2mg nicotine.
I'm not a fan of vaping nicotine and shit. I don't trust it. I always get a strange feeling in my lungs when I've used the thc vape cartridges. I bet if you have some good tobacco free from being sprayed with shit and vaped it in a convection vape it probably wouldn't be that bad for you. I don't know. Just makes sense.

I still have 7 unopened packs though in case of an emergency, :lol:
Cool!.. that's where all of my raw footage for PBS went to. The Documentary ran at the Sundance Film Festival, and here in OKC. I got to meet the man the Doc was about, and sat beside him during the premier. It was cool. Quick funny story....
The film director took me out to location (in the middle of nowhere) where this guy grew up as a Kiowa Indian kid. We were at his old homestead. This was in July... he says "Ideally I'd like a shot with an approaching storm"... im thinking "this is Oklahoma, storm season is over!! impossible".... so a few days later I tracked an hour an a half away to get the homestead footage. It was a nice sunny day. I call my buddy who lives halfway to my jobsite and asked if he wanted to come along. He's terrified of storms. He said "No fucking way man!.. there's a squaw line coming!!".... I looked at the radar on my iPhone, and sure enough.... a fucking killer storm was coming, and I didn't know if I was gonna make it in time. Hauling ass, I got to the site, set up my drone, did a very quick pre-flight check, and got in the air and started shooting... I never hit stop recording because I knew I had just a couple of min before this thing hit.... it was fucking brilliant! I got shots of the homestead, a wall cloud in the background, lighting, I got it all!!!!! As soon as I got on the ground and the drone in the truck, it hit. I was driving sideways for about 8 miles till I could get ahead of it...... adrenaline level... 11.
Those storms can be scary, but I love them. Not to get too philosophical but I think mostly because they just put things into perspective.

Whats the name of the weed doc, I would love to check it out.
Those storms can be scary, but I love them. Not to get too philosophical but I think mostly because they just put things into perspective.

Whats the name of the weed doc, I would love to check it out.
Storms around here can get pretty violent ... this particular one was what they call a Squaw Line storm. They usually have a very strong front line boundary with 70-90 mph winds followed by heavy rain, lightning, clouds spinning in all different directions causing small (or very large) spin up vortexes. The only thing that worried me about this one was I was in the middle of nowhere. I looked to my left and saw red from the ground a big tidal wave of red dirt. ... and it was pushing my truck sideways as I was trying to outrun it. Otherwise, if Im at home, I love a good ol' thunderstorm. I'll go out in the front field as its approaching, and get lightning shots with my camera.

Name of the weed? It was Anesia Breeders Future Island, and DankBerry mixed together.... that's the way the Mrs. likes it.

Storms around here can get pretty violent ... this particular one was what they call a Squaw Line storm. They usually have a very strong front line boundary with 70-90 mph winds followed by heavy rain, lightning, clouds spinning in all different directions causing small (or very large) spin up vortexes. The only thing that worried me about this one was I was in the middle of nowhere. I looked to my left and saw red from the ground a big tidal wave of red dirt. ... and it was pushing my truck sideways as I was trying to outrun it. Otherwise, if Im at home, I love a good ol' thunderstorm. I'll go out in the front field as its approaching, and get lightning shots with my camera.

Name of the weed? It was Anesia Breeders Future Island, and DankBerry mixed together.... that's the way the Mrs. likes it.

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Awesome picture