Painkillers wtf happened?

I see this stuff works for pain too im gonna order from the places you guys mentioned but im still gonna head to the smoke shop and try to get some today - is there something i should be looking for when i get there? Like color or smell to determine freshness or potency
I just ordered a Rifat Thai rooted cutting. I also got two Tulsi (1x Krishna, 1x Amrita), a Banisteriopsis caapi cutting (Ourinhos variety), 2 Peruvian Torch Cacti, 5 San Pedro Cacti, and my little L. williamsii pup.

Red Vein Bali, Indo, and Bentuangie are best for pain and opiate withdraw. Bali, especially. Green Vein Malay, Thai, or Maeng Da for daytime use.
Can a person get kratom seeds or cuttings?
I'm really sorry your having to go through this.. I'm a chronic pain suffer and I can relate with what your saying... It almost impossible for me to get pain pills.. evey now and then I'll end up in the e.r. which is the only time docs will prescribe me pills for pain... So what I've had to do is take lots of weed and some kratom on bad days.. I grow a couple hand fulls of papaver somniferum ( poppies) to help on the excruciating days when weed and kratom doesn't do much.. (rarely) exercise is very important as well.. strengthen your body and mind..
Strong back( type of tea) is another option for pain.. it's a plant that is used for many things .. it helps like kratom in some people.. what helps me with severe nerve pain( sounds silly) is a small dose of psilocybin .. a quarter to half of a gram helps me greatly and almost totally stops my nerve pain.. these are all natural plants with hardly any alterations to consume them.. some have the same addiction risks but are many times less problematic if you are suffering from pain.. good luck with your new life style and keep us updated on your progress.. the good and the bad..
I see this stuff works for pain too im gonna order from the places you guys mentioned but im still gonna head to the smoke shop and try to get some today - is there something i should be looking for when i get there? Like color or smell to determine freshness or potency
Don’t get capsules. Get pure, powdered leaf. Stay away from Royal, Lucky, and OPMS. Go with something organic and ethically processed.

Before you do anything, learn to toss and wash. I’ll instruct you if you want, but this stuff is really bitter. If you can get it down, it’s comparable to Oxycodone. It tastes like the most bitter green tea you’ve ever had, and the powdered leaf matter clumps when wet. You have to learn to take it right, or you’ll gag. Like Oxy, if you take too much, you will feel a crushing headache before puking your guts up.
I think it is good that it is a bit unpleasant on the tongue to make it less habit forming.
Good point. It’s a great medicine. Antibacterial, antimalarial, anticarcinogenic, antileukemic, anti inflammatory, immunostimulant, etc.
Just remember to hydrate and take fiber. Just like opiates, it will back your guts up. It is NOT an opiate, but it has affinity for the opioid receptors. It is from the coffee family and originates in Indochina and Southeast Asia.
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Took a ride to the smoke shop and they didnt have any kratom place looked like shit so im probably better off.
Bought 2 percocets couldnt take it anymore i had just took my last dose and havent gone thru serious withdrawal yet so i bought them for later and to not feel hopeless gonna order from gaia as soon as i get home as their price seems to be way better and looking at reviews and from recommendations here seems like its the place to go

So its red vein or the bali that i should get or do they all work similarly? Thanks again
Took a ride to the smoke shop and they didnt have any kratom place looked like shit so im probably better off.
Bought 2 percocets couldnt take it anymore i had just took my last dose and havent gone thru serious withdrawal yet so i bought them for later and to not feel hopeless gonna order from gaia as soon as i get home as their price seems to be way better and looking at reviews and from recommendations here seems like its the place to go

So its red vein or the bali that i should get or do they all work similarly? Thanks again
Red Vein Bali or Red Vein Indo or Bentuangie. Red Veins are best for sleep and pain. Greens are best for daytime pain and functionality. For your uses, Red Vein Bali first. Order online.