Pale Droopy Leaves, with a few rust spots... pictures inside - opinions greatly app.


Well-Known Member
Here are three pictures... these blackberries have me a bit concerned. Growth has been a bit stunted, and the top leaves are just pale and not very strong looking. I'm thinking something funky is going on here. I was thinking pH fluctuation at first, though to be honest it doesn't fully look like that. Calebrated my pH stick, everything is fine.


I'm using SunShine#4 with r\o water and I add Cal\Mag. Anyone have a clue what we have going on here? I'm also seeing some slight curling in the other plants (different strain, curious if it is related)

It's def. not nute burn as I'm only rolling 800PPM. Anyone that could help, I would highly appreciate it. I try to give back to the ROI community and will continue to do so.

