Pale Green and Thin Leaves

My whole setup is new. I've never had a successful grow in this environment so assume it could be anything. There are three different types of soil being used, one from the store for the seedlings, whatever the clones had from the breeder, and my big plants are in my personal soil mix. All of them look a little less robust than they did when I first got them. The seedlings look weak and drooping over and pale yellowish green. Most of the new growth looks thin, like almost see through or speckled yellow/green.

The temps were upwards of 95-97 degrees for most of the day yesterday and the day before. I finally got the temps under control when I installed the exhaust fan, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I feel like this is the reason I stopped growing before. They don't get that thick structure, with dark green leaves, like I'm used to seeing in other people's grows.



Well-Known Member
you may get more help if you list your specs for light, tent/room size, pot size, watering habits, distance from light. rh% range for your room etc... too many things it could be, but definitely not enough info.


Well-Known Member
there are a lot of variables that can cause the leaves to be a light shade vs darker like you see with other people's grows, not the least of which could be genetics. room too hot, yup, overwatering, yup, too close to light, yup (not specifying you, just in general). anything that is out of whack could lead to this directly, or indirectly.
Some of them are under a couple of those cheap driverless COBs from ebay. 55 watts in about 4 square feet, color temp 6000K. The other ones are under a 1000 watt Metal Halide 4200K dimmed to 600 watts. Multiple different containiers ranging from those cardboard seed starter cups, to party cups, to 5 gallon plastic pots. I fed the smaller ones twice in the last week. Half strength silica, quarter strength kelp extract, half strength b-vitamin/humic acid mix, and I put a little bit of indole-3-butyric acid in the water to stimulate the roots (like an 8th of a teaspoon in a gallon). That was for the smaller plants and seedlings. The big ones were transplanted directly into the soil mix and given plain tap water 3 days ago. No idea how they were cared for before I got them but they were slightly darker before. Temps are holding at 90 degrees farenheit, and RH is at 30% The light distance is different on the two lights. About 16 inches for the seedlings under the LED, 8 inches for the teens under the LED, and 18 inches for the big ones under the MH. Lux readings in the canopy are between 18 and 30 thousand, except for the seedlings which are getting closer to 12-15 thousand.