pale yellow seedling (PICS)



A mate just started a seedling for about 3weeks now and the first leaves are already turning a pale yellow colour, leaves are twisting and the growth has stunted significantly.
The soil he is using is 50:50 all purpose potting mix and african violet potting mix.
Has 2x 24w cool white cfl setup about 2-3" away and its on an 18/4 cycle indoors. He said he will increase the lights once it abit bigger but my question is should he just scrap it or keep at it ?


should he scrap this and start afresh ?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't that 50:50 with African violet soil be too acidic for Cannabis? Perhaps thats it? Check the pH of the soil, man. Or just keep going. I have had seedlings take forever to take off in growth before. As long as its not consuming too much space, I wouldn't give up on it. :)


Active Member
those are dead bro im sorry to say... next time start seed in seed starting mix... its readily available at walmart or home depot. No nutrients for the first week of life then add quarter strength nutes after transplant...hope this help man have a good one


Active Member
Good night sweet heart those babies key be out of there flush soil and check pH also if available check ppm


thanks for the replies guys.
Ill go tell him to scrap it and start fresh with seedling potting mix this time.

is the 2x cfl the enough when its that small ?


Well-Known Member
IDK u really think they can't be saved Scrog? Maybe if u transplant em into soil without that african violet mix (if thats the problem) I've never used the stuff myself so I can't really say if its good soil for cannabis. And no for the 1st couple weeks just water no nutes, I had a seedling that actually had fuzzy mold growing on a leaf one time but I was still able to save it, MJ can be damn hard to kill its a weed after all, it can heal.


Well-Known Member
i say take it out take off as mush soil as possible and the transplant it, i think it can be saved, but i would give it about a week before u see some real growth i say start anotehr seed but keep working on this one ebccause no seed is worth throwing away without trying, u never know that might be your best grow. soemtimes the worst can become the best


Active Member
i say take it out take off as mush soil as possible and the transplant it, i think it can be saved, but i would give it about a week before u see some real growth i say start anotehr seed but keep working on this one ebccause no seed is worth throwing away without trying, u never know that might be your best grow. soemtimes the worst can become the best
Sounds like a lotto I'd take a chance. (spin the wheel raggedy man):blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA that was great u said Spin the wheel, yeah that was Kool! Embargo On!!!

Who runs Barter Town>?