Palin crying over election


Well-Known Member
to clarify from the article:
Although the results are intriguing, Jones says that the study does not prove that caffeine causes hallucinations. People who tend to see or hear things may just be more naturally prone to drink a lot of coffee, he says. "And we can't rule out the fact that participant's experiences might be related to alcohol or illegal drugs."



New Member
.....sarah palin is retarded. back to topic. you can vote if you'd bang her in the ''would you bang sarah palin'' poll.


New Member
Well it would have been fun to hold up in the marijuana fight, caffeine causes hallucinations, yet children are allowed to drink it. blah, blah, blah.....Marijuana doesn't cause hallucinations yet nobody is allowed to use it........yang, yang, yang......:bigjoint:


New Member
Well I'm not a lesbo, if I were a man, I'd be afraid of her clown car vagina. How many babies can one shoot out before things are loose and floppy? Then there's the whole no birth control issue. Yikes.......


New Member
Well I'm not a lesbo, if I were a man, I'd be afraid of her clown car vagina. How many babies can one shoot out before things are loose and floppy? Then there's the whole no birth control issue. Yikes.......
awww.. pothead internet lesbians are my fave.. pothead chicks are awesome tho.


New Member
You're getting hooked on that happy dance aren't you?

My friend and I used to call getting weed "doing the power dance" When we had weed we said "I have the power" . There's an actual power dance, but I can't show you by typing online.


New Member
that's kinda wierd... just hearing that once was like someone saying ''someone's got a case of the moondays'' every week for about six years...