For days, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has publicly said the state was reaching out to medical professionals who work outside a hospital setting — including those who are retired — to incite them to volunteer in staffing hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. His pleas have been successful — so much so...
And Cuomo has to do this basically on his own, with seemingly little help from the Federal government.
Trump should be, after he's kicked out the door of the WH in November, be fucking hung by his balls and be sued in a civil court for being negligent in his duties, and thru his negligence cost the lives of thousands of individuals & bankrupted the Nation.
Once he steps out of the WH, he's a just a private citizen again without any immunity in a court of law.
If I was Jacoby & Meyers, I'd take that case (New York joke

I'd sue the fuck out of him, & keep him in court for the rest of his miserable life & have his lawyers bleed him dry.
That would be fun to watch.